Please read the instructions below before submitting.
Session proposal and description
Please make your session broad enough to attract at least 25-30 abstract submissions.
Prepare a session description of less than 250 words.
Review the Program and select the most suitable theme for your session but also indicate if the content is likely to be relevant to other themes. Should the topic of two or more session proposals overlap, merges are a possibility.
Guidelines for sessions in honor
Sessions in honor may be submitted but should adhere to the following guidelines:
- The session should be broad enough to attract at least 25-30 abstract submissions.
- It should have a title typical for the theme and aim to attract general submissions rather than submissions only from associates of the honoree.
- The conveners should encourage submissions from scientists at all career stages.
- Poster or talk decisions should be based on scientific criteria rather than association with the honoree.
- The conveners need to up hold the commitment to increasing diversity and inclusion at Goldschmidt.
Please note that the name of the honoree will appear in brackets after the title of the session.
The EAG and GS are committed to increasing diversity and inclusion at Goldschmidt conferences, and we particularly invite submitters to form diverse and inclusive teams of conveners.
Each session proposal should have two conveners listed. In addition, the names of up to two potential conveners may be provided. Sessions in the final program may have up to six conveners.
Convener and potential convener names should only be entered if they have given their permission.
Potential presenters / speakers
Provide the names of up to four potential presenters at your session. These names are requested simply to help define the subject area(s) your session seeks to cover.
Potential presenters MUST NOT be contacted in advance; their details will not be publicly available on the site and they will not be contacted by the organizers.
DO NOT offer invited or keynote speaker positions at this stage. Potential keynote speaker names will be requested once a session is accepted into the conference program. Their keynote status will be confirmed only if the session receives at least 25 abstract submissions.
Process after submission
After you submit your proposal, the theme chairs of your session will be notified of your submission.
The submitter and the two conveners listed in the submission will also get an email confirming that your submission has been received. If you do not receive the email, please first check your junk folder then contact the technical support helpdesk at Please do not resubmit the session proposal.
After 15 October, the Theme Chairs and the Science Committee will review the full list of session proposals submitted. Your session will be either accepted, merged with other similar or overlapping sessions, or rejected if it is not possible to include it in the program.
The review process will take at least four weeks. Conveners will then be notified of the outcome of their session proposal. Conveners of accepted or merged sessions may then be asked to edit the session description and title to ensure the sessions listed in the program cover the entire theme description.