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    Each author may be the presenting author of only one standard abstract submitted to Themes 1 to 13.
    - All authors may present a second abstract in Theme 14: Cross-cutting Theme: Geochemistry for Sustainable Society
    - Keynote and medalist speakers may present a second abstract.
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    The presenting author of an abstract must register for the conference by 21 May 2025. If payment of the registration fee has not been received by that date, the abstract will be removed from the program and the abstract fee will not be refunded.
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The abstract submission deadline is 26 February 2025 (23:59 CET/UTC +1).


Submissions Closed
Chemical and isotopic variations among extra-terrestrial materials and Solar System bodies reflect diverse chemical and physical processes that occurred at different evolutional stages of the Solar System. The composition of the Earth, a rocky planet with oceans and life, was shaped through a series of processes, such as accretion of dust to its protoplanetary building blocks, the formation and differentiation of magma oceans, the final Moon-forming giant impact, and the delivery of volatiles. 


The compositions of Solar System materials thus provide a window into the 4.57-billion-year history of the Solar System and even the evolution of the Galaxy. Understanding the compositional diversities of Solar System bodies also provides insights into the compositions of exoplanets, for which observational constraints are steadily increasing.


This theme focuses on the chemical and isotopic compositions of extra-terrestrial materials, planets, satellites, and small bodies of the Solar System, and aims to understand the evolutionary processes that shaped planet compositions over the history of the Galaxy. We welcome contributions from diverse fields – sample return missions, robotic explorations, astrophysical modeling, astronomical observations across various wavelengths of light, laboratory experiments and analyses, and sample curation. We anticipate new ‘chemistry’ between disciplines to propel the field forward!

Submit to a Session:
  • 01a: "Unlocking Our Solar System's Origins with Asteroid Samples Returned by Spacecraft Missions"
    Submissions Closed

    Over the past two decades, three groundbreaking spacecraft missions have returned samples from asteroids, enabling significant advancements in the study of small planetary bodies. JAXA’s Hayabusa mission brought back surface fragments from the S-type asteroid (25143) Itokawa on 13 June 2010. A decade later, on 6 December 2020, JAXA’s Hayabusa2 returned 5.4 grams of material from the C-type asteroid (162173) Ryugu. Most recently, on 24 September 2023, NASA’s OSIRIS-REx mission delivered 121.6 grams from the B-type asteroid (101955) Bennu. This multidisciplinary special session invites cutting-edge presentations on the analysis of these valuable samples from Itokawa, Ryugu, and Bennu, shedding light on the formation and evolution of the earliest planetary materials in the solar system. Topics will range from geochemical and mineralogical insights gained from sample analysis to the integration of remote sensing data with ground-based studies, providing a comprehensive understanding of each asteroid's geological history. Additionally, the session will highlight the latest technical advancements in sample analysis techniques, data management, and archiving, and the curation of asteroidal samples.

  • 01a-O1: "Unlocking Our Solar System's Origins with Asteroid Samples Returned by Spacecraft Missions"
    Submissions Closed

  • 01a-P1: "Unlocking Our Solar System's Origins with Asteroid Samples Returned by Spacecraft Missions"
    Submissions Closed

  • 01b: "Decoding the history of our solar system (Session in honor of Grenville Turner)"
    Submissions Closed

    This session seeks to celebrate the life and scientific achievements of Grenville Turner FRS, a leading figure in the field of isotope geochemistry and cosmochemisty. Grenville is best known for developing the 40Ar-39Ar dating method, which has played a key role in decoding the history of Earth and our solar system. Now used in virtually all aspects of Earth and planetary science, it has provided key insights into fundamental questions such as the origin and age of the Moon, the timing of impacts and mass extinctions and the evolution of flora and fauna, including the emergence of our own species. Through the development of 40Ar-39Ar dating Grenville was able to provide insights into the thermal histories of rocks and meteorites, trace the movement of terrestrial and extra-terrestrial crustal fluids and reconstruct the evolution of planetary atmospheres. Grenville pioneered new and innovative analytical approaches including the development of step heating, lasers and in-vacuo crushing techniques for extracting noble gases from minerals, resonance ionisation analysis of Xe isotopes which led to the demonstration that 244Pu was present in ancient terrestrial zircons. Original contributions in geochronology, geochemistry and cosmochemistry, as well as new developments in analytical techniques, are welcome for this session with a strong focus on understanding the prehistory, formation and evolution of our planet and the solar system. Continuing Grenville's legacy of fostering and supporting young scientists, we strongly encourage contributions from early career researchers and under-represented groups with the aim of hosting a session promoting diversity and inclusion.

  • 01b-O1: "Decoding the history of our solar system (Session in honor of Grenville Turner)"
    Submissions Closed

  • 01b-O2: "Decoding the history of our solar system (Session in honor of Grenville Turner)"
    Submissions Closed

  • 01b-P1: "Decoding the history of our solar system (Session in honor of Grenville Turner)"
    Submissions Closed

  • 01c: "Formation, Differentation, and Evolution of Planets and Asteroids"
    Submissions Closed

    How did the planets and asteroids in our solar system form and evolve? These questions are crucial for unraveling the origins of the solar system and how it became what it is today. This session focuses on the formation mechanisms and timescales of the crusts, mantles, and cores of asteroids and inner planets, key processes that shaped their internal structures and overall evolution. This session discusses analytical and experimental studies of extraterrestrial materials and theoretical modeling of planets and asteroids to better understand the formation and evolution of rocky bodies. This session invites abstracts on chemical, isotopic, and modeling insights that shed light on how planets/asteroids accreted, planetary interiors differentiated, and the dynamic processes that have shaped their evolution over time.

  • 01c-O1: "Formation, Differentation, and Evolution of Planets and Asteroids"
    Submissions Closed

  • 01c-O2: "Formation, Differentation, and Evolution of Planets and Asteroids"
    Submissions Closed

  • 01c-O3: "Formation, Differentation, and Evolution of Planets and Asteroids"
    Submissions Closed

  • 01c-P1: "Formation, Differentation, and Evolution of Planets and Asteroids"
    Submissions Closed

  • 01d: "Towards integrated models of planetary accretion and evolution in the Solar System: a multidisciplinary approach"
    Submissions Closed

    Accretionary processes during the first couple or a few hundred million years set the initial conditions for the long-term evolution of planets in the Solar System. To understand this early history, we increasingly rely on integrated models of planetary accretion that combine cosmo/geochemical observations, high-pressure experiments, and atomistic as well as astrophysical modeling across a wide range of temporal and spatial scales. In this session, we invite interdisciplinary contributions on any physical or chemical aspects of planetary accretion and evolution, using observational, experimental, and/or theoretical methods, including, but not limited to, cosmochemistry, geochemistry, astrophysics, mineral physics, experimental petrology, and planetary sciences.

  • 01d-O1: "Towards integrated models of planetary accretion and evolution in the Solar System: a multidisciplinary approach"
    Submissions Closed

  • 01d-P1: "Towards integrated models of planetary accretion and evolution in the Solar System: a multidisciplinary approach"
    Submissions Closed

  • 01e: "The Origin and Evolution of Asteroids and Comets : Interplanetary Dust particles, Micrometeorites, and primitive materials"
    Submissions Closed

    Primitive materials such as primitive meteorites, interplanetary dust particles (IDPs) and micrometeorites offer a rare glimpse into the earliest stages of the Solar System's formation and evolution. Such materials represent the most abundant fraction of the flux of extraterrestrial materials to the Earth and constitute our main source of cometary and primitive asteroid samples available for laboratory studies. They thus offer a unique window into the journey of primordial gas and dust from stellar ignition to the formation of the first solids, the movement of materials between the inner and outer regions of the Solar System, the development of planetary bodies and the later addition of volatile and organic compounds on inner planets.

    This session will cover topics including the ongoing flux of these primitive extraterrestrial materials such IDPs, micrometeorites, and primitive meteorites to Earth, their mineralogical and geochemical makeup, and their role in transporting elements to early Earth. We will examine their pristine components and delve into their role in delivering organic compounds to early Earth and facilitating elemental exchange in the upper atmosphere, providing insights into the paleo-atmosphere and its evolution. We welcome contributions on the mineralogical, geochemical, and isotopic compositions of these extraterrestrial materials, including theoretical and experimental studies, as well as advancements in modeling of dust delivery to the Earth.

  • 01f: "Planetary magmatism and surface processes on the Moon, Mars and beyond"
    Submissions Closed

    Throughout the Solar System, planetary bodies witness complex formation and evolution histories. The combination of different analytical approaches and datasets allows us to disentangle the complex signatures of planetary interior and surface processes. Analytical techniques enable precise determinations of the ages and compositions of samples. Remote sensing data can provide vital insights to volcanic and impact cratering histories, crust and atmosphere composition and the broader geologic context of rock lithologies. Impact craters and impactite lithologies inform us about the bombardment histories of different planetary surfaces. In this session, we invite contributions discussing the petrologic, geochemical and isotopic analysis of samples from differentiated planetary bodies such as the Moon, Mars, Vesta, and beyond, as well as complimentary numerical, experimental and remote sensing studies that bring a better understanding of planet and planetesimal origin and evolution.

  • 01e-O1: "The Origin and Evolution of Asteroids and Comets : Interplanetary Dust particles, Micrometeorites, and primitive materials"
    Submissions Closed

  • 01e-O2: "The Origin and Evolution of Asteroids and Comets : Interplanetary Dust particles, Micrometeorites, and primitive materials"
    Submissions Closed

  • 01e-P1: "The Origin and Evolution of Asteroids and Comets : Interplanetary Dust particles, Micrometeorites, and primitive materials"
    Submissions Closed

  • 01f-O1: "Planetary magmatism and surface processes on the Moon, Mars and beyond"
    Submissions Closed

  • 01f-O2: "Planetary magmatism and surface processes on the Moon, Mars and beyond"
    Submissions Closed

  • 01f-P1: "Planetary magmatism and surface processes on the Moon, Mars and beyond"
    Submissions Closed


Submissions Closed
The interior of the Earth comprises most of our planet, and shapes its long-term evolution and present-day surface conditions. By integrating the finds from various fields of study, such as geochemistry, geodynamics, geophysics, petrology, and mineral physics—be it through experiments, observations, or theories—we gain profound insights into the inner workings of our planet and its dynamic interaction with the surface across space and time. In this theme, we encourage disciplinary and interdisciplinary session proposals on the chemical and physical processes occurring in the Earth’s interior across all scales of time and space, the nature of material and energy exchange between the interior and surface, insights into deep reservoirs including the upper mantle, transition zone, lower mantle, outer and inner core, as well as interactions between the crust, mantle and core and their evolution over time.
Submit to a Session:
  • 02a: "Deep Fluids and Volatile-Rich Melts"
    Submissions Closed

    Fluids and volatile-rich melts play a pivotal role in driving dynamic processes within Earth's interior, for instance in subduction zones, the upper mantle and the lithosphere. This session will explore the geochemical, petrological, and geophysical impacts of deep fluids — such as dehydration embrittlement, metamorphism, metasomatism, metal mobilization, redox changes — on mantle and crustal evolution. A key focus will be on the sources, compositions, and transport mechanisms of deep fluids, their role in mineralogical transformations, and their influence on magmatism. We also invite contributions on volatile-rich melts, such as carbonatites and kimberlites, which emerge from the mantle and transport, alongside fluids, large amounts of incompatible elements between the mantle and the crust.

    By integrating field observations, experimental studies, and numerical models, this session will bring together a multidisciplinary approach to understand the far-reaching consequences of deep fluid and melt processes for mantle dynamic, element cycle, seismicity, volcanic activity and ore deposit formation. We invite contributions from geochemistry, petrology, geodynamics, and mineral physics to foster discussions on the role of fluids and volatile-rich melts in shaping Earth's interior.

  • 02a-O1: "Deep Fluids and Volatile-Rich Melts"
    Submissions Closed

  • 02a-P1: "Deep Fluids and Volatile-Rich Melts"
    Submissions Closed

  • 02b: "Chalcophile and Siderophile Elements Behaviour from Planetary Cores and Mantles to the Earth’s Crust"
    Submissions Closed

    Chalcophile and siderophile elements have long been used as key tracers for such processes as planetary formation and differentiation, mantle melting and fractionation, and crust formation and evolution. These geochemical messengers also have a strong economic importance as critical and strategic metals whose exploration, production and recycling increase every year. Some of these heavy elements are highly toxic for the biota and pose a growing threat for the environment through mining and ore processing.

    This session invites geochemical, mineralogical, and petrological studies that address the behaviour in the planetary interiors of chalcophile and siderophile elements, including, but not limited to, platinum group elements, noble metals Au and Ag, the Fe-Ni-Co, Zn-Cd and Cu-Mo-W families, as well as volatile metals and metalloids such as As, Sb, Se, Hg or Tl. We are welcoming entries on analytical, experimental, and modelling advances in the field, including machine learning and new interdisciplinary instruments, such as synchrotron radiation or atom probe in relation to geological applications. This session also invites studies on global abundances and cycles, isotopic compositions, and chemical and redox speciation and partitioning of chalcophile and siderophile elements in nature and laboratory across the wide range of conditions and scales, from the mantles and cores of extraterrestrial bodies to the Earth’s surface.

  • 02b-O1: "Chalcophile and Siderophile Elements Behaviour from Planetary Cores and Mantles to the Earth’s Crust"
    Submissions Closed

  • 02b-P1: "Chalcophile and Siderophile Elements Behaviour from Planetary Cores and Mantles to the Earth’s Crust"
    Submissions Closed

  • 02c: "Properties and dynamic evolutions of the large low velocity provinces (LLVPs)"
    Submissions Closed

    The two large low velocity provinces (LLVPs) in the lower mantle, beneath Africa and Pacific originating from the core mantle boundary as detected seismically, play a critical role in the evolution of our planet since they not only dominate the interplate volcanisms and therefore affect the habitability of the Earth’s surface, but also act as the counter flow of slab subduction and thus maintain the material transportation between shallow regions and the deep interior. This session will explore the properties and dynamics of LLVPs through of geophysical observations, geochemical analysis, mineral physics investigations via high pressure and high temperature experiments and first principle calculations, as well as geodynamical simulations, combined with machine learning techniques. The key focuses include the compositional, thermal and rheological properties of LLVPs, their formation and dynamic evolution, the core-mantle interactions, the geochemical characteristics of large igneous provinces and oceanic island basalts originated from the LLVPs, and the impacts of LLVPs on mantle convections and surface environments. We invite contributions from geophysics, geochemistry, high pressure and high temperature experiments, first principle calculations, and geodynamical simulations to foster discussions on the origin, properties, dynamic evolutions, and impacts of LLVPs.

  • 02c-P1: "Properties and dynamic evolutions of the large low velocity provinces (LLVPs)"
    Submissions Closed

  • 02d: "Understanding redox processes in the interiors and atmospheres of terrestrial planets"
    Submissions Closed

    The knowledge of the oxidation state and partitioning behaviour of heterovalent elements (e.g., Fe, V, Co, Cr, C, S, etc.) in minerals, melts and fluids is fundamental to track redox processes occurring in the terrestrial planets through space and time. Some of these processes include, but are not limited to, formation of the cores and atmospheres of these planets, evolution of Earth’s mantle redox state through time, the partial melting of mantle rocks (e.g., promoted by the circulation of oxidized volatile species such as CO2 and H2O), diamond formation, abiotic dehydrogenation and methanogenesis in metamorphic environments. Volatile release through volcanic gases and their subsequent exchange with the solid Earth and the exosphere has implications for the composition of the atmosphere of the Earth, as well as habitability of rocky planets more generally.
    We invite contributions on mineralogical, petrological and geochemical studies aimed to constrain redox-driven processes both at the surfaces and at depth of terrestrial planets.

  • 02e: "Diamond: Chronicles of the Mantle"
    Submissions Closed

    Diamond is an important mineral for understanding composition and evolution of the deep mantle. This mineral’s unique properties provide insights into the Earth's interior up to 2500 km deep. Diamond is among the oldest known minerals, and with its exceptional mechanical and chemical stability, diamond records information about the mantle, and transport this data to the surface, where it remains preserved despite prolonged exposure to weathering and alteration. During crystallization, diamonds encapsulate minerals and fluids, which remain isolated from the evolving mantle. The external surfaces of diamond crystals reflect Phanerozoic processes involved in the emplacement of diamonds within volcanic rocks. We invite contributions on the study of mineral and fluid inclusions within diamonds, their stable and radiogenic isotopes, as well as the implications of these data for understanding the evolution, thermal state, age, and processes within the continental lithospheric and asthenospheric mantle. Contributions on the crystallography and spectroscopy of diamonds and their inclusions are welcome. The session will also feature experimental research related to the genesis and dissolution of diamonds, and chemical and spectroscopic methods of diamond studies.

  • 02e-O1: "Diamond: Chronicles of the Mantle"
    Submissions Closed

  • 02e-O2: "Diamond: Chronicles of the Mantle"
    Submissions Closed

  • 02e-P1: "Diamond: Chronicles of the Mantle"
    Submissions Closed

  • 02g: "Peridotites, pyroxenites and eclogites: Key records of terrestrial mantle formation and evolution."
    Submissions Closed

    Peridotites, pyroxenites and eclogites, which sample Earth’s lithospheric mantle, have provided a wealth of information on the petrological and geochemical processes that formed Earth’s interior and contributed to its continuous evolution. Episodic depletion events and percolation of melts and fluids have left their traces by changing textures and compositions of main constituent minerals and newly introduced phases that can provide valuable clues in addition to what can be learned from whole-rock major, trace elements or isotopes in bulk mantle samples. Furthermore, instrumental analytical developments in the last decades have opened new perspectives allowing us to explore the chemical and isotopic composition of micrometer- and even nanometer-sized areas revealing their power in interpreting the whole-rock signatures.

    We invite researchers from diverse backgrounds (petrology, experimental petrology, geochemistry, geophysics, geodynamics) to contribute to this broadly-themed session on topics that include but are not limited to (1) the record of melting events, melt-rock and fluid-rock reactions in the sub-continental lithospheric mantle and oceanic mantle (2) detailed isotopic (stable and radiogenic) studies and dating of mantle processes and (3) studies of accessory and minor phases in peridotitic, pyroxenitic and eclogitic samples.

  • 02g-O1: "Peridotites, pyroxenites and eclogites: Key records of terrestrial mantle formation and evolution"
    Submissions Closed

  • 02g-P1: "Peridotites, pyroxenites and eclogites: Key records of terrestrial mantle formation and evolution"
    Submissions Closed

  • 02h: "Deep Processes and Earth's Habitability"
    Submissions Closed

    The Earth's interior—including the core, mantle, and lithosphere—plays a fundamental role in the functioning of the Earth system, directly influencing the evolution of surface habitability. In recent decades, low-temperature geochemists studying Earth's surface history and solid Earth geochemists, geophysicists, and petrologists examining the interior have tended to work in relative isolation. This section aims to bring together experts from different fields to understand the connection between deep and surface processes and deep mechanisms driving the evolution of Earth's habitability throughout geological history. We encourage submissions on topics such as the distribution and properties of volatiles within Earth's interior, the cycling and dynamics of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in the deep Earth, and the chemical reaction mechanisms occurring in the deep Earth and their effects on the surface. We also welcome low-temperature geochemical studies focused on understanding the evolution of Earth's surface habitability. Our goal is to unravel the mysteries of the deep Earth engine and promote significant theoretical innovations in Earth system science.

  • 02h-O1: "Deep Processes and Earth's Habitability"
    Submissions Closed

  • 02h-O2: "Deep Processes and Earth's Habitability"
    Submissions Closed

  • 02h-O3: "Deep Processes and Earth's Habitability"
    Submissions Closed

  • 02h-P1: "Deep Processes and Earth's Habitability"
    Submissions Closed

  • 02i: "Interfacial Geochemistry: Fluid-rock Interactions and Material Exchange at elevated P, T conditions"
    Submissions Closed

    Interfacial geochemistry plays a crucial role in deep geochemical and geophysical processes, influencing exchange and fluxes of material and energy between compartments with different properties. At interfaces between solids, fluids (e.g., water or hydrocarbons) and gases, reactions drive transformations that influence  the cycling of key elements and molecules. This session focuses on the role of interfacial processes in shaping the chemistry and dynamics of deep regions from the lower part of the upper crust to the upper mental, and how they impact rock properties.

    We invite contributions that integrate experimental, theoretical, and observational studies to explore the interactions between different minerals, fluids and organic species at high-pressure and high-temperature interfaces in deep geosystems. This includes the role of microdroplets, reactive mineral-fluid interfaces in material transport and key geochemical transformation in all compartments that are not accessible by deep boreholes, including subduction zones and hydrothermal systems; all of them control the deep carbon cycle. Experimental and theoretical advances in studying interfacial reactions are thus welcome in order to study how interfacial processes might influence deep dynamics and element cycling. This session also encourages interdisciplinary contributions that integrate geochemistry, petrology, mineral physics, and geophysics to enhance our understanding of the complex interfacial dynamics occurring.

    By advancing our understanding of interfacial processes at high P, T conditions, this session aims to uncover the mechanisms that link deep geochemistry with surface processes, contributing to a holistic view of planetary evolution.

  • 02i-O1: "Interfacial Geochemistry: Fluid-rock Interactions and Material Exchange at elevated P, T conditions"
    Submissions Closed

  • 02i-O2: "Interfacial Geochemistry: Fluid-rock Interactions and Material Exchange at elevated P, T conditions"
    Submissions Closed

  • 02i-P1: "Interfacial Geochemistry: Fluid-rock Interactions and Material Exchange at elevated P, T conditions"
    Submissions Closed

  • 02j: "Isotope Fractionation and Diffusion Processes: Experimental and Theoretical Insights into Magmatic Processes and Mantle Dynamics"
    Submissions Closed

    Understanding isotope fractionation and diffusion-controlled processes is fundamental to unraveling the complex history of magmatism and mantle evolution. The isotopic compositions of non-traditional elements (e.g., Si, Ca, Ti, Fe, Ni, Zn, Mo, Sn) have become essential tools in geochemistry, providing new insights into planetary differentiation, volatile budgets, mass transfer in subduction zones, and crust formation. Simultaneously, diffusion processes, which occur in both crystalline and amorphous matter across all spatial scales, play a critical role in determining timescales of geological processes, from mineral reactions and magma ascent to mantle flow dynamics.

    Recent advances in experimental techniques and first-principles calculations have significantly improved our ability to quantify isotope fractionation and diffusion rates under a wide range of thermodynamic conditions (e.g., temperature, pressure, composition, and volatile contents, oxygen fugacity). Experimental calibrations of stable isotope fractionation, whether through kinetic or equilibrium processes, provide essential constraints for interpreting natural isotope data. Similarly, diffusion studies—spanning diffusion chronometry, experimental diffusivity quantifications, and geospeedometry—shed light on the kinetics of key geological processes. The intersection of these fields is particularly exciting, as diffusion-driven isotope fractionation has implications for volatile loss during planetary formation, mineral-melt interactions, and magmatic evolution.

    This session brings together contributions that advance our understanding of isotope fractionation and diffusion processes using experimental, analytical, and theoretical approaches. We welcome a wide range of contributions that aim to further our understanding of stable isotope fractionation and diffusion processes at high-temperature using experimental techniques (e.g. gas-mixing furnace, piston cylinder, multi-anvil studies) or computational modeling.

  • 02j-O1: "Isotope Fractionation and Diffusion Processes: Experimental and Theoretical Insights into Magmatic Processes and Mantle Dynamics"
    Submissions Closed

  • 02j-O2: "Isotope Fractionation and Diffusion Processes: Experimental and Theoretical Insights into Magmatic Processes and Mantle Dynamics"
    Submissions Closed

  • 02j-P1: "Isotope Fractionation and Diffusion Processes: Experimental and Theoretical Insights into Magmatic Processes and Mantle Dynamics"
    Submissions Closed

  • 02k: "Chemistry of Exoplanets"
    Submissions Closed

    We are at the beginning of an observational revolution in exoplanet science. The advanced capabilities of JWST, ALMA, and upcoming large ground-based observatories will allow us to better characterize physical properties of exoplanets, their atmospheres, and their host stars. This information will allow us to place Earth and our solar system’s other rocky bodies in the wider context of planet formation and evolution in the universe. Based on our current understanding, the most common types of planets are sub-Neptunes and super-Earth (planets with masses in between those of Earth and Neptune) for which we have no analog in our Solar System. The chemical properties of exoplanets are expected to be diverse, from their interior structures to their atmospheric compositions, all of which are shaped by the chemical environment in protoplanetary disks and subsequently modified by processes throughout a planet’s evolution. A comprehensive understanding of exoplanet demographics and of what exoplanets are likely to be habitable requires interdisciplinary knowledge across geochemistry, meteoritics and cosmochemistry, astronomy, planetary science, mineral physics, biogeochemistry, and extremophile biology. In this session, we invite contributions spanning theoretical, experimental and observational research that seeks to improve our understanding of the chemical properties of exoplanets and protoplanetary disks.

  • 02k-O1: "Chemistry of Exoplanets + Climatic Impacts of Orbital and Surface Processes on Exoplanet Habitability"
    Submissions Closed

  • 02k-P1: "Chemistry of Exoplanets + Climatic Impacts of Orbital and Surface Processes on Exoplanet Habitability"
    Submissions Closed

  • 02l: "Chemical heterogeneities in the Earth's mantle (session in honor of Catherine Chauvel and Dominique Weis)"
    Submissions Closed

    This session aims to celebrate the scientific achievements and outstanding contributions made by Catherine Chauvel and Dominique Weis to our understanding of mantle geochemistry.

    The chemical composition of the Earth’s mantle has continuously evolved since the formation of the Earth. Early differentiation, continental crust extraction and subduction of oceanic plates and sediments have generated chemical heterogeneities that are nowadays sampled in a wide variety of geodynamic settings (arc, mantle plumes, large igneous provinces, etc.). Elemental and isotopic analyses, including radiogenic (Sr, Nd, Pb, Hf, W, noble gas) and stable isotopes (Li, C, O, S, Fe, Tl) of mantle-derived rocks are keys to gain insights into mantle composition and its evolution through time, the preservation of early-formed mantle reservoirs, crustal recycling processes, and core−mantle interactions. We encourage all contributions from geophysics, petrology, numerical modelling, and geochemistry to build a deeper understanding of the composition of the Earth’s mantle.

  • 02l-O1: "Chemical heterogeneities in the Earth's mantle (session in honor of Catherine Chauvel and Dominique Weis)"
    Submissions Closed

  • 02l-O2: "Chemical heterogeneities in the Earth's mantle (session in honor of Catherine Chauvel and Dominique Weis)"
    Submissions Closed

  • 02l-O3: "Chemical heterogeneities in the Earth's mantle (session in honor of Catherine Chauvel and Dominique Weis)"
    Submissions Closed

  • 02l-P1: "Chemical heterogeneities in the Earth's mantle (session in honor of Catherine Chauvel and Dominique Weis)"
    Submissions Closed

  • 02m: "Sulfur on Earth and beyond: towards an understanding of its distribution, transport and behavior"
    Submissions Closed

    Sulfur’s multivalent character and its ability to form gas, liquid and solid phases in magmatic, aqueous and atmospheric conditions make it an important driver of geological processes occurring at planetary surfaces and interiors. Over geological timescales, chemical reactions involving sulfur play a major role in the evolution of life and the atmosphere. At depth, the behavior of sulfur during magmatic and hydrothermal processes governs the mobility and distribution of chalcophile elements and influences ore-forming processes. Earth’s sulfur cycle involves outgassing of mantle-derived sulfur to the surface via volcanoes, low-temperature processing at or near the surface, and return of sulfur to the mantle at subduction zones. Large uncertainties remain regarding the fluxes of sulfur between different terrestrial reservoirs, and how these may have varied throughout Earth’s history.

    In this session we welcome contributions aimed at understanding various aspects of the sulfur cycle from core to surface, including petrological, geochemical, experimental, and theoretical approaches. Topics of interest may address the distribution of sulfur isotopes in the Earth’s mantle, sulfur partitioning between silicate melt, sulfide and/or sulfate melts or minerals and fluids in magmatic systems, either using experiments or natural samples. We welcome submissions discussing the fate of sulfur in hydrothermal systems, sulfur’s role in ore deposit formation, its volcanic degassing behavior, its potential role in the early Earth, and isotopic variability through time. We also welcome studies of sulfur on other planetary bodies which highlight its unique magmatic and geochemical behavior.

  • 02n: "A celebration of I-Ming Chou's 80th birthday: Understanding geological processes through investigating the  physicochemical properties of minerals, fluids, and melts"
    Submissions Closed

    Earth materials, including minerals, fluids, and melts, constitute the planet’s interior. Investigating the physicochemical properties of these Earth materials is key to understanding related geological processes which include, but are not limited to, ore deposit formation, climate change dynamics, earthquake genesis, mantle convection and plate tectonics, and volcanic activity. While natural rocks offer invaluable insights into these processes, their records are often incomplete or altered by subsequent geological events. Thus, independent approaches are required to complement traditional geological and geochemical analyses, such as lab experiments conducted under controlled conditions and computational modeling. In addition to geochemistry, geophysical measurements, which are essential for elucidating the structure of planetary interiors, are influenced by the physicochemical properties of Earth materials which vary over the wide range of pressures, temperatures, and compositions across planetary bodies.

    In this session, we celebrate the illustrious career of Dr. I-Ming Chou, whose pioneering work has significantly contributed to our understanding of the behavior of Earth materials through laboratory experiments. Such experiments are essential for comprehending field-based geochemical and geophysical observations, and I-Ming's contributions have facilitated advancements in numerous domains, including geochemistry, mineralogy, fluid inclusions, gas hydrates, mineral deposits, petroleum geology, environmental science, deep-sea research, and planetary science. In recognition of I-Ming's work, this session invites a diverse array of submissions that explore a variety of geologic processes through the lens of the physicochemical properties of Earth materials. We warmly encourage submissions from various research approaches, including laboratory experiments, field-based studies, and computational simulations.

  • 02d-O1: "Understanding redox processes in the interiors and atmospheres of terrestrial planets"
    Submissions Closed

  • 02d-P1: "Understanding redox processes in the interiors and atmospheres of terrestrial planets"
    Submissions Closed

  • 02m-O1: "Sulfur on Earth and beyond: towards an understanding of its distribution, transport and behavior"
    Submissions Closed

  • 02m-P1: "Sulfur on Earth and beyond: towards an understanding of its distribution, transport and behavior"
    Submissions Closed

  • 02n-O1: "A celebration of I-Ming Chou's 80th birthday: Understanding geological processes through investigating the  physicochemical properties of minerals, fluids, and melts"
    Submissions Closed

  • 02n-O2: "A celebration of I-Ming Chou's 80th birthday: Understanding geological processes through investigating the  physicochemical properties of minerals, fluids, and melts"
    Submissions Closed

  • 02n-O3: "A celebration of I-Ming Chou's 80th birthday: Understanding geological processes through investigating the  physicochemical properties of minerals, fluids, and melts"
    Submissions Closed

  • 02n-P1: "A celebration of I-Ming Chou's 80th birthday: Understanding geological processes through investigating the  physicochemical properties of minerals, fluids, and melts"
    Submissions Closed


Submissions Closed
The lithosphere represents the archive of Earth’s differentiation and it records interactions between the mantle, the crust, the atmosphere and the hydrosphere. In this theme, we invite contributions that address the present state of the lithosphere, as well as its formation and evolution through time. In particular, we encourage sessions that bring new insights into (1) the processes and timescales of continental and oceanic crust formation, (2) the processes controlling deformation, metamorphism and its secular variations, (3) the geodynamics of mantle–crust differentiation and the onset of plate tectonics, (4) the growth of the continental crust and its effect on the evolution of other geochemical reservoir(s), (5) the timing and rates of melting at the base of the lithosphere, (6) the origin of mantle heterogeneities, (7) the interactions between internal (crust and mantle) and external (atmosphere and hydrosphere) reservoirs, and their impact on the biosphere and (8) the use of early Earth’s history as a proxy for planetary evolution and exoplanet exploration. We encourage specialised and multidisciplinary contribution sessions that address these topics through the investigation of natural samples, geochemistry, petrology, geophysics, experiments and modeling.
Submit to a Session:
  • 03a: "Linking the deep records of continent evolution, volatile cycles and alkaline magmatism (session in honor of Steve Foley)"
    Submissions Closed

    Lithospheric and asthenospheric mantle reservoirs preserve unique geochemical and geodynamic information about the evolution of continents. These mantle reservoirs are also increasingly recognized to exert strong control on water and volatile element fluxes (e.g., carbon, nitrogen, halogens, noble gases) between the deep Earth and crust, acting as the interface in geochemical cycles over short and long timescales (e.g., CO2-degassing versus diamond formation). The redox state of the lithosphere–asthenosphere boundary region profoundly affects melt reactions and the dynamic stability of continental roots, but links to redox processes in the deeper mantle remain unclear. Primitive intraplate magmatism (e.g., kimberlites, carbonatites, lamproites, alkaline basalts, komatiites) is strongly controlled by lithospheric architecture and redox state, and to variable extent sourced from the lithospheric mantle. Magmatic processes, including redox melting and freezing, metasomatic interactions and melt migration near the lithosphere–asthenosphere boundary, can further promote lithosphere thinning and continental breakup. Understanding the many facets of mantle lithosphere evolution and their implications for plate tectonic and geochemical cycles requires a broad yet united approach, anchored in experimental studies and in investigations of natural samples (e.g., primitive magmatic rocks, xenoliths, diamonds). Steve Foley’s research has pioneered the ‘all-inclusive’ approach, and in this honorary session we will bring together current topics in the fields of petrology (including experimental approaches), geochemistry, geophysics and numerical modelling devoted to unlocking the deep and secular records of continent evolution, volatile cycles and mantle-derived magmatism.

  • 03a-O1: "Linking the deep records of continent evolution, volatile cycles and alkaline magmatism (session in honor of Steve Foley)"
    Submissions Closed

  • 03a-O2: "Linking the deep records of continent evolution, volatile cycles and alkaline magmatism (session in honor of Steve Foley)"
    Submissions Closed

  • 03a-O3: "Linking the deep records of continent evolution, volatile cycles and alkaline magmatism (session in honor of Steve Foley)"
    Submissions Closed

  • 03a-P1: "Linking the deep records of continent evolution, volatile cycles and alkaline magmatism (session in honor of Steve Foley)"
    Submissions Closed

  • 03b: "Ophiolites & Arc magmatism in the Proterozoic: A deep-dive into the processes that shaped the continents as we know today"
    Submissions Closed

    Proterozoic ophiolites and other arc-related magmatic rocks are extremely crucial for understanding the tectono-magmatic processes that have shaped continental crust generation and assembly. During the Proterozoic, the development of subduction zones was pivotal for continental growth and stabilization, leading to the assembly of supercontinents such as Rodinia. These events often involved fragments of oceanic lithosphere being emplaced and accreted along continental margins, termed as Ophiolites: the only surviving relics of paleo-oceanic lithosphere. These zones of amalgamation are now found as large-scale continental shear zones that are present in all cratonic landmasses of the world. These shear zones have also facilitated ore genesis by providing excellent conduits for hydrothermal circulation, leading to some of the world’s best deposits of base and transition metals like Pb, Zn, Cu, U, Ni, and PGEs. Hence, they are vital for understanding the processes that have guided continental lithospheric evolution, thermal and chemical evolution of the mantle, and the intense deformation and metamorphism that led to their formation. We welcome submissions employing a variety of traditional and innovative approaches and disciplines, including field observations, petrology, geochemistry, geochronology, and modeling. We seek a broad and interdisciplinary perspective on topics such as (but not limited to) ophiolites and other arc-related intrusives, their recognition in the Proterozoic rock record through a combined petrological- geochemical-isotopic approach, petrogenetic studies of such assemblages deciphering the nature of magma generation and storage, and magma chamber processes, as well as melt/fluid-rock interactions and hydrothermal circulation leading to ore genesis.

  • 03b-P1: "Ophiolites & Arc magmatism in the Proterozoic: A deep-dive into the processes that shaped the continents as we know today"
    Submissions Closed

  • 03c: "Taking Earth’s pulse: recent advances in geo- and thermochronology"
    Submissions Closed

    Earth records a complex evolution spanning ca. 4.5 billion years. Reconstructing the history of our planet and understanding its fundamental processes hinges on our ability to accurately constrain geological time. Recent progress in geo- and thermochronological research has spawned new analytical techniques and strategies for applications, leading to an increase of viable mineral-decay-system pairs and novel dating schemes combining geochronology with thermochronology or additional mineral characterization. These advances enhance our capacity to put an age to specific processes such as crystal growth, mineral reactions, exhumation-related cooling, or deformation along fault zones. This session’s goal is to discuss the novel methods needed to take Earth’s pulse, the development of new analytical instrumentation, their application to unravel geological history as well as improvements in data handling. We particularly encourage the application of novel approaches to constrain the timing and rate of geological processes, including (but not limited to)studies using U-Pb, Rb-Sr, Lu-Hf, Re-Os, Raman, fission-track, and noble gas isotopic systems.

  • 03d: "From magmatism to extreme metamorphism: Formation, evolution and geochronology of the continental lower crust"
    Submissions Closed

    Understanding the physical and chemical processes that form Earth’s continental crust, and how it evolves, is critical for understanding Earth history, structure, dynamics, resources, chemistry, and seismology. In contrast to the more accessible upper crust, the composition and formative processes of the lower crust remain uncertain.  Also, the relative importance of igneous input and differentiation, (ultra-)high temperature (UHT) and (ultra-)high pressure (UHP) metamorphism, partial melting, melt extraction, density sorting, tectonic working, weathering, and fluid migration are unclear. Multidisciplinary field and laboratory studies, encompassing structural, petrological, geochemical, isotope analyses and the geo/thermochronology of (U)HP-(U)HT rocks, are key to developing a process-based framework for the chemical and physical evolution of the continental crust. This session welcomes contributions related to lower crustal igneous, metamorphic and geodynamic processes, that shed light on the timing, formation and evolution of lower crustal rocks and their significance to regional and global tectonics. Submissions from researchers at all levels, including PhD students, are warmly welcomed.

  • 03d-O1: "From magmatism to extreme metamorphism: Formation, evolution and geochronology of the continental lower crust"
    Submissions Closed

  • 03d-O2: "From magmatism to extreme metamorphism: Formation, evolution and geochronology of the continental lower crust"
    Submissions Closed

  • 03d-O3: "From magmatism to extreme metamorphism: Formation, evolution and geochronology of the continental lower crust"
    Submissions Closed

  • 03d-P1: "From magmatism to extreme metamorphism: Formation, evolution and geochronology of the continental lower crust"
    Submissions Closed

  • 03e: "Dynamic Earth: The interplay of Deformation, Metamorphism, and Mineralization"
    Submissions Closed

    The intricate relationships between deformation, metamorphism, and mineralization are key processes that shape the Earth's crust and drive the formation of economically significant mineral deposits. The present session will focus on the dynamic interaction between deformation, metamorphism, and mineralization: three fundamental geological processes. Deformation, resulting from tectonic forces, changes the Earth's crust through folding, faulting, and fracturing, creating structures that often serve as conduits for mineralizing fluids. Metamorphism under varying conditions of temperature, pressure, and fluid activity, is also be highlighted as a process that transforms pre-existing rocks’ mineralogy, and texture, leading to the concentration and redistribution of valuable minerals. This session will explore the role of fluid flow, heat, and pressure in mineralization processes along with the application of isotopic dating and geochemical analysis in understanding mineralizing events and their timing. The critical interplay among these processes is crucial for understanding the geological evolution of the Earth and for identifying mineral resources. The session will further reflect an overview of practical approaches for mineral exploration and resource assessment, with case studies from around the world. Overall, this session will provide an inclusive overview on linking structural geology, metamorphic petrology, and economic geology, to get a comprehensive understanding of how deformation and metamorphism create favorable conditions for mineralization, shaping the distribution of natural resources. It emphasizes the importance of these processes in geological research and resource exploration, highlighting their role in both the formation of the Earth's crust and the development of mineral deposits essential for technological and industrial applications.

  • 03e-O1: "Dynamic Earth: The interplay of Deformation, Metamorphism, and Mineralization"
    Submissions Closed

  • 03e-P1: "Dynamic Earth: The interplay of Deformation, Metamorphism, and Mineralization"
    Submissions Closed

  • 03g: "Decoding deformation processes and fluid flow: insight from isotopic and geochronological approaches"
    Submissions Closed

    Tectonic processes shapes the Earth’s surface, influencing deformation localization, fluid flow, seismicity, and the distribution of resources. Surface processes in these settings are relatively well understood, and advances in seismic imaging have revealed much about deep lithospheric structures. However, accurately timing deformation events along major fault systems has been challenging, with many reconstructions relying on indirect stratigraphic or cross-cutting relationships. Recent advancements in in-situ dating, particularly high-resolution carbonate methods, now allow for precise dating of texturally complex samples, offering new insights into the timing and mechanisms of crustal deformation.This session aims to explore the integration of isotopic and geochronological data across various geological settings, shedding light on fluid-rock interactions, tectonic activity, and the interaction with the crust. We invite contributions that apply techniques such as U-Pb, U-Th, and Rb-Sr dating, from high-resolution (e.g., LA-ICPMS) to high-precision (ID-TIMS) methods, to unravel the intricate isotopic behavior, texturally complex samples with multi-phase growth, long digenic history, and microscale structural context. Emphasis is placed on multidisciplinary approaches that combine field studies with isotopic data to investigate fault systems, fluid pathways across diverse tectonic, hydrothermal and sedimentary environments. This session aims to foster dialogue among researchers and advance geodynamic, metallogenic, and paleotopographic reconstructions.

  • 03g-O1: "Decoding deformation processes and fluid flow: insight from isotopic and geochronological approaches"
    Submissions Closed

  • 03g-P1: "Decoding deformation processes and fluid flow: insight from isotopic and geochronological approaches"
    Submissions Closed

  • 03h: "Decoding Earth's Lithosphere: Stable Isotope Approaches from Microscale to Macroscale"
    Submissions Closed

    Stable isotopes provide new opportunities to improve our understanding of the diversification of Earth’s reservoirs and elemental cycling between them. Equilibrium and kinetic stable isotope fractionation between minerals and fluids/melts and mixing between different sources cause variations in stable isotope compositions. Knowledge of these mechanisms can illuminate various processes shaping the Earth’s lithosphere, including interactions with the mantle and surface reservoirs. We aim to bring together researchers from diverse backgrounds who seek a better understanding of stable isotope fractionation, both traditional and non-traditional, and leverage it to develop new tools for deciphering processes across all scales within the geologic record. This includes several key aspects to be addressed, such as (1) mineral-scale quantification of equilibrium stable isotope fractionation factors and diffusion-driven isotope fractionation; (2) development of methods based on stable isotope fractionation, including geothermometers and other proxies, and source fingerprinting schemes; (3) investigation of the interaction between Earth’s crust and surface processes, including weathering, sedimentation, and biological activity; and (4) quantifying and interpreting stable isotope compositions to constrain macro-scale processes related to lithosphere evolution, such as subduction recycling, interactions with the mantle, igneous differentiation, and potentially associated ore deposit formation. We thus welcome analytical, experimental, and theoretical contributions addressing these topics. By exploring these themes, the session will provide an integrated perspective on the behavior and applications of stable isotopes for decoding the complex processes on all scales shaping Earth’s lithosphere and related reservoirs.

  • 03h-O1: "Decoding Earth's Lithosphere: Stable Isotope Approaches from Microscale to Macroscale"
    Submissions Closed

  • 03h-O2: "Decoding Earth's Lithosphere: Stable Isotope Approaches from Microscale to Macroscale"
    Submissions Closed

  • 03h-P1: "Decoding Earth's Lithosphere: Stable Isotope Approaches from Microscale to Macroscale"
    Submissions Closed

  • 03i: "Metasomatism and crust-mantle interaction in intra-plate settings, divergent and convergent margins"
    Submissions Closed

    Mantle melting, mantle metasomatism and crust-mantle interactions are fundamental processes controlling the physicochemical evolution of the mantle, both in oceanic and in continental plates, including its solidus location, rheology and longevity, as well as fertility and metallogenic fingerprint. Subduction and ultimately collision at plate margins introduces heterogeneity at all scales. After continent breakup, the complex evolution of the oceanic lithosphere, including the oceanic crust accreted in mid-ocean ridges, is a reflection of mantle convection and plate motion occurring in different geotectonic contexts.

    Xenoliths in continental and oceanic intra-plate setting, as well as orogenic peridotites and ophiolites exhumed at convergent margins represent direct “windows” into these processes,while mantle-derived melts provide valuable indirect information. This session seeks to share expertise from all of these settings to discuss a broad range of topics, including (1) evidence for fluid-rock interaction and melting in bulk mantle rocks, their minerals and solid, fluid or melt inclusions, (2) the nature and physicochemical conditions of elemental and isotopic exchange between crust and mantle, (3) constraints on depth, degree and extent of metasomatism, (4) compositions and formation conditions of mantle-derived melts with implications on their (metasomatised) sources, (5) the complexity of oceanic crust evolution arising from active plumes, as well as recycled and variably processed oceanic and continental material. We invite contributions from all domains of geosciences that elucidate processes that increase the heterogeneity in the lithospheric and the convecting mantle, such as igneous, metamorphic and experimental petrology, ore geology, numerical and thermodynamic models, geophysical observations, geodynamics and more.

  • 03j: "Decoding The Early Earth's Archive"
    Submissions Closed

    This session aims to explore the formative stages of Earth's evolution, focusing on the critical processes that transformed the planet from its molten origins to a stable lithosphere capable of supporting life. Central to this theme is understanding the origin and evolution of Earth's early crust, mantle, surface environment, and dynamics, through the study of preserved cratonic lithosphere and via modelling techniques. We aim to foster interdisciplinary dialogue among researchers to build a cohesive understanding of Earth's early evolution. Contributions are encouraged from a wide range of disciplines, including petrology, geochemistry, isotopic studies, geobiology, geochronology, structural geology, geodynamic modelling, and experimental petrology, all working together to construct a comprehensive picture of early Earth's dynamic history. Key topics include (but are not limited to): understanding the Earth's magma ocean stage and its implications for primary mantle heterogeneities; timeline and mechanisms behind the formation of Earth's first primordial crust, the formation and evolution of felsic crust and the cratonic lithosphere; greenstone belts as records of biosignatures, and surface processes; and Precambrian geodynamic settings. We invite contributions from researchers at all career stages and look forward to a vibrant exchange of ideas that will advance our understanding of Earth's early history and its evolution into a habitable planet.

  • 03c-O1: "Taking Earth’s pulse: recent advances in geo- and thermochronology"
    Submissions Closed

  • 03c-O2: "Taking Earth’s pulse: recent advances in geo- and thermochronology"
    Submissions Closed

  • 03c-P1: "Taking Earth’s pulse: recent advances in geo- and thermochronology"
    Submissions Closed

  • 03i-O1: "Metasomatism and crust-mantle interaction in intra-plate settings, divergent and convergent margins"
    Submissions Closed

  • 03i-O2: "Metasomatism and crust-mantle interaction in intra-plate settings, divergent and convergent margins"
    Submissions Closed

  • 03i-P1: "Metasomatism and crust-mantle interaction in intra-plate settings, divergent and convergent margins"
    Submissions Closed

  • 03j-O1: "Decoding The Early Earth’s Archive"
    Submissions Closed

  • 03j-O2: "Decoding The Early Earth’s Archive"
    Submissions Closed

  • 03j-O3: "Decoding The Early Earth’s Archive"
    Submissions Closed

  • 03j-O4: "Decoding The Early Earth’s Archive"
    Submissions Closed

  • 03j-P1: "Decoding The Early Earth’s Archive"
    Submissions Closed


Submissions Closed
Throughout Earth history volcanism, magmatic systems, and their associated hazards have significantly impacted the planet, from building and jeopardizing its habitability to the disruption of human infrastructure.  An integrated understanding of magmatic events and hazards benefits from a combined approach integrating geochemical, petrological, geochronological, seismological, and tectonic methodologies, built on solid field observations of geological relationships; such understanding may also include studies of extra-terrestrial bodies. We encourage session proposals that explore the breadth of volcanic and plutonic magmatic systems, and the hazards they pose, using the wide range of tools available to us - including theoretical, experimental, and analytical approaches. The expected contributions to the proposed sessions will emphasize temporal and spatial variability across the geological timescale, from field studies and samples, to analogue models, and numerical experiments, and where appropriate, how these bear on the hazards society faces today.
Submit to a Session:
  • 04a: "Stable isotope messengers from the mantle to the crust (session in honour of Prof. Chris Harris)"
    Submissions Closed

    This session celebrates the scientific achievements made by Professor Chris Harris throughout his distinguished academic career. Prof. Harris is a renowned stable isotope geochemist with a special interest in oxygen isotopes. Through his research leadership and mentorship over > 4 decades, Prof. Harris has pioneered and expanded the application of oxygen isotopes to answer diverse questions across the many disciplines of geochemistry.

    In addition to oxygen, stable isotope systems such as Li, B, Mg, Fe, Cu, Ni, Cr, K, and Si are increasingly used to trace both high- and low-temperature geochemical processes. These systems show great utility in unravelling mantle and crustal processes and can help resolve the role of crustal assimilation, melting and crystallization, metamorphism, devolatilization, diffusion, and metasomatism and fluid-assisted processes in volcano-magmatic systems.

    In this session, we invite submissions of studies employing stable isotopes that: (1) contribute to our basic understanding of natural systems via experimental and theoretical studies (e.g. isotopic fractionations, and/or diffusion chronometry), (2) address scientific questions relating to how magmas evolve from their source to the surface (i.e. magma generation and differentiation), and (3) constrain post-magmatic and metamorphic processes such as low-temperature alteration. Results of developments in analytical techniques and standardization are encouraged, as well as global syntheses across systems and timescales. We aim to foster diversity and inclusion in our session and strongly encourage contributions from early career researchers and those from groups that are underrepresented in the geoscience community.

  • 04a-O1: "Stable isotope messengers from the mantle to the crust (session in honour of Prof. Chris Harris)"
    Submissions Closed

  • 04a-P1: "Stable isotope messengers from the mantle to the crust (session in honour of Prof. Chris Harris)"
    Submissions Closed

  • 04b: "Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs) and their impact through Earth history"
    Submissions Closed

    The record of Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs) is continually expanding back in time and now includes events older than 3 Ga. Associated with this expanding LIP record, there is now an increased understanding of LIP plumbing systems and origin (typically associated with mantle plumes). LIPs are now recognized to have played a key role in major geodynamic processes, including formation and evolution of the lithosphere, and supercontinent breakup. These important phenomena also frequently coincide with complex environmental changes, including mass extinctions, oceanic anoxic events, hyperthermal events, global glaciations, regional topographic changes, ore deposit formation, and significant silicic magmatism (SLIPs), carbonatites and kimberlites. We welcome contributions from a diverse range of disciplines to encourage cross-fertilization of ideas and a multi-faceted discussion of LIP systems, including igneous and sedimentary geochemistry, experimental petrology, geochronology, and studies utilizing chemical and biological proxies in the stratigraphic record. Novel and provocative contributions are particularly encouraged, as well as those from groups underrepresented in the geoscience community.

  • 04b-O1: "Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs) and their impact through Earth history"
    Submissions Closed

  • 04b-P1: "Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs) and their impact through Earth history"
    Submissions Closed

  • 04d: "Chemistry and evolution of calc-alkaline systems"
    Submissions Closed

    In subduction settings, calc-alkaline magmatic systems are the primary mechanism of new crust generation and are responsible for the majority of explosive volcanic activity. These systems are also instrumental in the generation of Cu-porphyry deposits of economic significance. This session focuses on all aspects of calc-alkaline magmatic systems—from the magma source, mechanisms of magma transport and assembly, and chemical differentiation, to the exsolution of fluids and the precipitation of mineralized (or non-mineralized) phases. We invite contributions that address these topics from a variety of perspectives, including natural case studies, experimental approaches, and numerical and thermodynamic modelling. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: magma source characteristics and melting processes in subduction zones; magma storage, ascent, and emplacement mechanisms; chemical evolution and differentiation of magmas through fractional crystallization, mixing, and assimilation; the role of volatiles; the timescales of magmatic and hydrothermal processes.

  • 04d-O1: "Chemistry and evolution of calc-alkaline systems"
    Submissions Closed

  • 04d-P1: "Chemistry and evolution of calc-alkaline systems"
    Submissions Closed

  • 04e: "Integrating mineralogical-textural, geochemical, experimental, and modelling approaches to understand magmatic plumbing systems and magma evolution processes"
    Submissions Closed

    Magmas represent mixtures of liquids, solids, and gases that undergo complex processes during their ascent from the mantle to shallower levels. Understanding magmatic plumbing systems is fundamental to unravelling key processes driving volcanic eruptions, crustal evolution, and mineralisation with critical metals. Recent advances in analytical, experimental, and computational modelling techniques provide new insights into magma storage, transport, and differentiation. Ongoing research efforts aim to more accurately constrain the complex architecture of magmatic plumbing systems, investigate the evolution of magma storage systems in space and time, and quantify dynamic processes leading to eruptions. Current challenges include understanding relationships between crystals and melts, estimating magma storage depths, improving computational approaches to simulate magmatic systems, and generating experimental observations to meaningfully calibrate these models and interpret natural systems.

    In this session we invite contributions aimed at improving our understanding of magma generation, transport, storage, and evolution processes. These contributions may draw on any combination of field observations, mineral-textural petrological investigations, high-resolution geochemical analysis, geophysical data integration, thermodynamic and numerical modelling, machine-learning, and experimental petrology. We especially welcome innovative contributions that integrate different approaches as well as studies that develop and refine petrological tools needed to enable a deeper understanding of magmatic plumbing systems and magma evolution.

    This session is sponsored by the IAVCEI commission of Volcanic and Igneous Plumbing Systems (VIPS).

  • 04e-O1: "Integrating mineralogical-textural, geochemical, experimental, and modelling approaches to understand magmatic plumbing systems and magma evolution processes"
    Submissions Closed

  • 04e-O2: "Integrating mineralogical-textural, geochemical, experimental, and modelling approaches to understand magmatic plumbing systems and magma evolution processes"
    Submissions Closed

  • 04e-O3: "Integrating mineralogical-textural, geochemical, experimental, and modelling approaches to understand magmatic plumbing systems and magma evolution processes"
    Submissions Closed

  • 04e-P1: "Integrating mineralogical-textural, geochemical, experimental, and modelling approaches to understand magmatic plumbing systems and magma evolution processes"
    Submissions Closed

  • 04f: "From traditional methods to new perspectives in exploring high resolution and pre/syn-eruptive analyses of recent hazardous eruptions and earthquakes"
    Submissions Closed

    Magmas and fluids largely escape from Earth’s interior to the surface in volcanic and seismically active regions. Recent attention has also focused on quiescent volcanoes since multidisciplinary investigations have shown that magma accumulations at depth are coupled with enhanced degassing of volatiles long after the last activity. Furthermore, magma accumulation and fluid transfer in regions far from volcanism play an active role in seismicity.

    Recent eruptions at Etna and Ontake volcanoes, on La Palma, Hawaii, and on the Reykjanes Peninsula are prime examples where high-resolution pre and syn-eruptive sampling has been applied to better understand and recognize in advance magma supply and eruption patterns in populated areas threatened by active volcanism
    Melt generation and evolution, volcanic eruptions, and seismicity are controlled by geochemical processes at depth, so they can be recorded by and interpreted from the geochemical and petrological signatures of the erupted (or intruded) rocks, minerals, and fluids. In fact, fluids transfer messages to the surface about conditions at depth and geochemical monitoring allows recognition of evolving processes over time (e.g., eruptions and earthquakes). We are approaching an interesting phase where the gas/fluid geochemistry and petrology, high resolution sampling together with long data series can be used interactively in a multidisciplinary context for improving our understanding of magmatic and seismogenic processes.
    We invite contributions that utilize time-resolved volcanological, petrological, geochemical, and isotope data that can serve to better understand volcanic and seismic processes and help adjust actions required to reduce risk for infrastructure and society


  • 04f-O1: "From traditional methods to new perspectives in exploring high resolution and pre/syn-eruptive analyses of recent hazardous eruptions and earthquakes"
    Submissions Closed

  • 04f-P1: "From traditional methods to new perspectives in exploring high resolution and pre/syn-eruptive analyses of recent hazardous eruptions and earthquakes"
    Submissions Closed

  • 04g: "Volatiles and fluids from source to surface"
    Submissions Closed

    The abundances and behaviour of volatile elements during melting, melt transport, and eruption are key to understanding magma generation, melt evolution, and volcanic activity. Fluids, both within magma and as evolved gases and liquids, play a critical role in these processes. The concentrations and oxidation states of major volatiles like CO₂, H₂O, S, and halogens control melting behaviour and the composition of exsolved volcanic gases and fluids. Hydrothermal activity, driven by the interaction of magmatic volatiles with crustal rocks, further influences fluid compositions, mineral formation, and the transport of economically important metals such as Cu, Au, and Sn. The mobility of these metals depends on fluid chemistry, with ligands like Cl⁻ and HS⁻ aiding their transport in hydrothermal systems.

    At the eruption stage, the release of gases like SO₂ and HCl has significant environmental impacts, affecting climate and ozone levels. In all cases redox is an important control on fluid and melt speciation and the interactions between oxidation states of iron, sulfur and carbon shape the compositions of melts and the fluid phases they release and residual or fractionating solid phases.

    We invite submissions from diverse disciplines—including experimental, analytical, petrological, and theoretical research - to explore the role of volatiles and fluids in magmatic systems. We encourage studies focusing on the volatile compositions and oxidation states of melts, fluids, and gases; fluid-rock interactions; and the development of innovative experimental, analytical, and computational methods for studying volatiles on Earth.

  • 04h: "The alkaline silicate rock – carbonatite connection"
    Submissions Closed

    Alkaline magmatism is remarkably diverse, including igneous rocks ranging from ultrabasic to intermediate and from sodic to ultrapotassic compositions. Some of them derive from low-degree partial melting of exotic mantle sources, while others show highly evolved characteristics associated with prolonged fractional crystallization or magma unmixing processes. In addition, magmas can also bear evidence of substantial assimilation of sedimentary rocks at shallow crustal depths, which can strongly modify the original compositions. Widespread “common” SiO2-undersaturated alkaline rocks commonly are tied with more exotic magma compositions such as kimberlites, melilitites, lamproites, lamprophyres, kamafugites and carbonatites.

    This session aims at exploring the nature and petrogenetic connections of a wide range of alkali-rich rocks, ranging from SiO2-oversaturated (e.g., granites/rhyolites) to more common SiO2-undersaturated intermediate, (foid syenites/phonolites) to basic-ultrabasic compositions (foidolites/foidites, kalsilite-bearing rocks, melilitites/melilitolites), and their relationships with strongly ultrabasic (kimberlites, ultramafic lamprophyres) and even SiO2-free compositions (carbonatites). Furthermore, their not-rare association with ore mineralization makes alkaline igneous rocks and carbonatites significant sources of numerous critical raw materials, adding interest in the view of moving towards alternative energy sources. To generate a holistic understanding of these significant rocks a multilateral approach is needed.

    We encourage participants to submit and present their field work studies and analytical investigation but also experimental studies and numerical calculations, regarding research on alkaline rocks and carbonatites. The scope of this session covers the origin, evolution, emplacement styles, alteration, mineralization and interaction with crustal lithologies of this large family of rocks.

  • 04g-O1: "Volatiles and fluids from source to surface"
    Submissions Closed

  • 04g-P1: "Volatiles and fluids from source to surface"
    Submissions Closed

  • 04h-O1: "The alkaline silicate rock – carbonatite connection"
    Submissions Closed

  • 04h-O2: "The alkaline silicate rock – carbonatite connection"
    Submissions Closed

  • 04h-P1: "The alkaline silicate rock – carbonatite connection"
    Submissions Closed


    Submissions Closed
    Achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, and climate provisions of legislation that call for significant increases in renewable energy infrastructure, will require extraction of resources including a variety of minerals and geologic hydrogen, together with carbon capture and storage (CCS), at an unprecedented scale and speed. The urgency to diminish CO2 emissions and to find and produce minerals will be enormous. We must appreciate that mineral and hydrogen production, as well as nuclear energy and CCS have the potential to adversely affect the environment and communities. This means that the minerals and energy sectors face greater challenges than ever before. The sessions within this theme will therefore focus on all aspects of mineral resources, energy transition, and CCS including: (1) the formation of mineral and energy resources and the use of this knowledge for responsible resource exploration and extraction; (2) new and less invasive approaches for the exploration and extraction of raw materials; (3) the generation and storage of low-carbon energy resources such as geothermal, green hydrogen, and  nuclear energy; (4) carbon capture from concentrated sources or the atmosphere and storage in-situ and ex-situ in nonreactive and reactive rocks; (5) innovative approaches to geometallurgy, mineral processing, and the recycling of end-products containing metals and minerals to develop circular economies; (6) the effective management, mitigation and use of waste products such as radioactive waste, plastics, process water and mine tailings; and (7) securing supplies of industrially important, critical, and strategic metals, industrial minerals, and gases that are subject to global or regional supply disruption. We welcome session proposals that cover all aspects of these topics, including field studies (terrestrial, marine, planetary), petrological and geochemical characterization, mineralogical and metallurgical investigations, as well as experimental, thermodynamic and modeling approaches to resource geochemistry and geology.
    Submit to a Session:
    • 05a: "Spatiotemporal traceability of geomaterials (e.g. metals, minerals and critical raw materials) through comprehensive and novel geochemical approaches"
      Submissions Closed

      Humanity has a long-standing relationship with metals, with the advancement of human society closely tied to how we extract and utilize them. Today, as we push for a green energy transition to address climate change, the demand for critical metals, minerals, and raw materials continues to rise due to their essential role in renewable and clean energy technologies. Ensuring the traceability of these critical resources has become crucial for promoting responsible sourcing and sustainable practices throughout the supply chain. Equally important is the study of historical metal products and raw materials, as well as the investigation of past manufacturing processes to better understand historical economic activities and their connection to climate conditions.

      This session will focus on the development of geochemical methods and the multivariate analysis of geochemical data to trace the origins of metals, minerals, and raw materials across both ancient and modern times. We welcome contributions on a wide range of techniques, such as MC/SC/TOF-ICP-MS, EPMA, SEM, XRF, and LIBS, that are employed in elemental and isotopic analyses for developing geochemical fingerprints. Topics may include but are not limited to fingerprinting and archaeometallurgical studies of gold, silver, copper, and gemstones, as well as spatial differentiation of ores, and the tracking of critical materials like lithium, cobalt, nickel, graphite, and rare earth elements (REEs) throughout modern industrial supply chains.

    • 05a-O1: "Spatiotemporal traceability of geomaterials (e.g. metals, minerals and critical raw materials) through comprehensive and novel geochemical approaches"
      Submissions Closed

    • 05a-O2: "Spatiotemporal traceability of geomaterials (e.g. metals, minerals and critical raw materials) through comprehensive and novel geochemical approaches"
      Submissions Closed

    • 05a-O3: "Spatiotemporal traceability of geomaterials (e.g. metals, minerals and critical raw materials) through comprehensive and novel geochemical approaches"
      Submissions Closed

    • 05a-P1: "Spatiotemporal traceability of geomaterials (e.g. metals, minerals and critical raw materials) through comprehensive and novel geochemical approaches"
      Submissions Closed

    • 05b: "Processes relevant for the safe disposal of nuclear waste and spent nuclear fuel [Session in honor of Florie Caporuscio]"
      Submissions Closed

      Nuclear waste and spent fuel packages at future nuclear repositories are expected to release substantial amounts of heat, due to their initial, thermal loading and radioactive decay heat over time. This will result in elevated temperatures in the engineered barrier systems (EBS), surrounding nuclear waste and spent fuel canisters, which may further lead to hydrothermal alterations of waste canister materials, like copper or steel, or mineral transformations in barrier systems. Additionally, altered solids and elevated temperature conditions may affect the potential release, sorption and transport of radioactive contaminants from canisters across the barrier system, and into the near and far field.. Experimental studies investigating solid alteration processes under repository-relevant conditions are rare and inherently challenging, but highly needed in order to provide a robust scientific basis for repository design and the development of performance assessment models. Dr. Florie Caporuscio dedicated his career to developing experimental setups and performing experimental studies to investigate these, and similar, questions.

      In this session, we will celebrate Dr. Caporuscio in his role as researcher and mentor, especially in support of female scientists, by highlighting recent advances in hydrothermal solid alterations and temperature effects in future, nuclear waste repositories and other, extreme environments, based on experimental and/or modeling studies. We especially welcome submissions from collaborators, former mentees, and anyone whose research has been inspired or advanced by the work of Dr. Caporuscio. Humor highly welcome!

    • 05b-O1: "Processes relevant for the safe disposal of nuclear waste and spent nuclear fuel [Session in honor of Florie Caporuscio]"
      Submissions Closed

    • 05b-O2: "Processes relevant for the safe disposal of nuclear waste and spent nuclear fuel [Session in honor of Florie Caporuscio]"
      Submissions Closed

    • 05b-P1: "Processes relevant for the safe disposal of nuclear waste and spent nuclear fuel [Session in honor of Florie Caporuscio]"
      Submissions Closed

    • 05c: "The importance of large igneous provinces and alkaline igneous systems for the energy transition"
      Submissions Closed

      Large igneous provinces (LIPs) and alkaline rocks, including carbonatites, represent products of terrestrial magmatism that can host important economic resources. In particular, such rocks are known for anomalous enrichment of transition metals and critical minerals, as well as offering potential for carbon sequestration and green hydrogen production. This session will showcase the processes that form LIPs and alkaline rocks, focusing on the interplay between magmatic and hydrothermal processes. Topics include magma generation, metal enrichment processes, ore genesis, climate impact, and novel economic uses for LIP- and alkaline-related rocks. Contributions are invited on petrogenesis, tectonic settings, mineralogy, geochemistry, isotope geochemistry, and advanced exploration techniques. By integrating these topics, we aim to advance understanding of the formation of economically important LIPs and alkaline rock systems.

    • 05g: "Non-traditional critical mineral resources: Tailings, Coal, Organic-rich Sedimentary Rocks"
      Submissions Closed

      Global development and the energy transition are fundamentally tied to the availability of critical and strategic metals such as copper, cobalt, nickel, and rare earth elements. Non-traditional resources have the potential to play an important role in meeting the significant and growing demand for critical minerals. Non-traditional resources include mine tailings, industrial waste streams from existing mines, coal mine drainage, and organic-rich sedimentary rocks such as black shale, coal, lignite and oil shale. This session aims to illuminate pathways and catalyse interdisciplinary dialogue towards a more sustainable and resource-efficient future by presentation and discussion of field, laboratory, and/or modeling studies of critical mineral production from non-traditional resources.

      Submissions are welcome that focus on (1) geochemical processes controlling the enrichment of metals and rare earth elements in non-traditional waste streams, (2) bio- and/or geochemical technologies for extracting metals from waste streams, (3) the impacts of non-traditional waste streams on the environment, (4) socio-economic assessment of metal extraction from industrial geochemical waste, and (5) opportunities and challenges in industrial geochemical waste valorisation.

    • 05c-O1: "The importance of large igneous provinces and alkaline igneous systems for the energy transition"
      Submissions Closed

    • 05c-P1: "The importance of large igneous provinces and alkaline igneous systems for the energy transition"
      Submissions Closed

    • 05d: "Geochemistry of carbon capture and storage"
      Submissions Closed

      Geochemistry is a commonly overlooked aspect of carbon capture and storage even though water-gas-rock interactions are fundamental to the success of such efforts. The injection of CO2 to the subsurface system leads to perturbations provoking a plethora of geochemical processes which can be both favourable and unfavourable. This session highlights the importance of geochemistry to carbon capture and storage efforts and provides a forum to exchange the latest advances in this field.  This session will address the geochemical aspects of CO2 capture and storage as part of industrial or natural processes, using experimental, numerical, and field research across 10+ orders of observational scales.  We welcome contributions on (1) laboratory and field experiments, (2) direct air capture using mineral cycling, (3) geochemical responses to CO2 injection into saline aquifers – including extents of salt precipitation due to formation fluid drying, and the long-term integrity of impermeable caprocks, (4) subsurface mineral carbonation – including novel CO2 injection methods, -solutions for non-condensable gases, natural analogues, enhanced mobility of trace elements, -past, present and future case studies, and reactive transport modelling of subsurface systems, and (5) development of novel isotopic tracers to quantify the amount of mineralization and the role of bacteria.

    • 05d-O1: "Geochemistry of carbon capture and storage"
      Submissions Closed

    • 05d-O2: "Geochemistry of carbon capture and storage"
      Submissions Closed

    • 05d-P1: "Geochemistry of carbon capture and storage"
      Submissions Closed

    • 05e: "Carbon dioxide removal from the atmosphere: Leveraging geochemical tools to quantify fluxes, uncertainty, and potential"
      Submissions Closed

      Engineered and nature-based approaches to atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) are currently being explored on land and in the oceans to help achieve net-zero Greenhouse Gas emission goals alongside emissions reductions. These methods –including afforestation, enhanced soil carbon, biochar burial, terrestrial and coastal enhanced weathering (EW), carbon mineralization, ocean nutrient fertilization, macroalgal sinking, direct ocean capture (DOC) and ocean alkalinity enhancement (OAE) – may also offer additional environmental benefits like biodiversity and ecosystem protection, water conservation, and improved soil and ocean health. However, scaling these solutions requires a deep understanding of the geochemical, biogeochemical, and environmental processes that govern their efficiency and durability.

      Crucially, in order to assure that CDR approaches lead to meaningful climate impact, their net carbon removal as well as the uncertainties around carbon fluxes must be robustly quantified. Additionally, to assess the potential of different CDR pathways, their underlying biogeochemical mechanisms must be well constrained, including any potential kinetic or thermodynamic limitations, biogeochemical feedbacks, as well as any impacts that may negatively impact CO2 removal fluxes or cause ecosystem change that increase CDR uncertainty.
      We welcome contributions on (1) Site identification, focusing on how geochemical analysis and predictive models can identify optimal sites for CDR implementation, considering factors such as soil mineralogy, hydrology, and ecosystem potential; (2) Environmental monitoring to track changes in carbon removal, soil and water health, and marine chemistry; 4) Understanding processes, fluxes, and biogeochemical feedbacks that impact the durability of CDR in the ocean and on land; 5) Using natural analogues to assess the potential scale of CDR pathways; 6) Developing Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) tools and frameworks for CDR projects; and 7) Developing integration of data and modeling approaches used for CDR.

    • 05e-O1: "Carbon dioxide removal from the atmosphere: Leveraging geochemical tools to quantify fluxes, uncertainty, and potential"
      Submissions Closed

    • 05e-O2: "Carbon dioxide removal from the atmosphere: Leveraging geochemical tools to quantify fluxes, uncertainty, and potential"
      Submissions Closed

    • 05e-P1: "Carbon dioxide removal from the atmosphere: Leveraging geochemical tools to quantify fluxes, uncertainty, and potential"
      Submissions Closed

    • 05f: "Hydrogen and helium resources for the energy transition"
      Submissions Closed

      Hydrogen and helium are key components in the energy transition and their potential as natural resources is driving an upsurge in exploration and research to understand the pathways, kinetics, and mechanisms of geologic hydrogen and helium generation, migration, and storage. Ensuring future supply of hydrogen and helium requires interdisciplinary studies spanning multiple length and time scales by experimentalists and modelers to resolve. Research is also necessary to constrain the impacts of unintended release and degradation on aspects of Earth’s biogeochemical cycles. This session aims to bring together geoscientists, modelers, and industry experts to discuss the physical and chemical behaviors, resource potential, and exploration and evaluation technologies for hydrogen and helium.

      This session welcomes submissions on 1) pathways, kinetics, mechanisms, and enhancement of geologic hydrogen generation; (2) geochemical and mineralogical characterization of fluids, minerals, rocks, and gases; (3) hydrogen monitoring, separation, transport, and storage; (4) biotic and abiotic hydrogen consumption; (5) the potential for carbon capture.

    • 05f-O1: "Hydrogen and helium resources for the energy transition"
      Submissions Closed

    • 05f-O2: "Hydrogen and helium resources for the energy transition"
      Submissions Closed

    • 05f-P1: "Hydrogen and helium resources for the energy transition"
      Submissions Closed

    • 05g-O1: "Non-traditional critical mineral resources: Tailings, Coal, Organic-rich Sedimentary Rocks"
      Submissions Closed

    • 05g-O2: "Non-traditional critical mineral resources: Tailings, Coal, Organic-rich Sedimentary Rocks"
      Submissions Closed

    • 05g-P1: "Non-traditional critical mineral resources: Tailings, Coal, Organic-rich Sedimentary Rocks"
      Submissions Closed

    • 05h: "Lithium resources for the energy transition"
      Submissions Closed

      Lithium has emerged as one of the most critical metals driving the global energy transition. It is mined from geological resources including pegmatites, granites, clays, and brines. Advancing our understanding of lithium enrichment in igneous, sedimentary, and geothermal systems, as well as the formation of these deposits, is essential to support the exploration and discovery of new resources to meet growing demand.

      This session seeks to foster collaboration among lithium geochemists, mineralogists, and economic geologists, bridging the knowledge gap between lithium in hard rock and fluid systems. We warmly welcome interdisciplinary submissions exploring lithium cycling within source-to-sink pathways, lithium geochemistry, and mineralization across both conventional and unconventional deposits. Contributions focusing on geometallurgy, innovative recovery technologies, and strategies to minimize the environmental impact of lithium mining are also encouraged.

    • 05h-O1: "Lithium resources for the energy transition"
      Submissions Closed

    • 05h-O2: "Lithium resources for the energy transition"
      Submissions Closed

    • 05h-P1: "Lithium resources for the energy transition"
      Submissions Closed

    • 05i: "Fluid-mediated processes in natural and engineered subsurface systems through field studies, experiments, thermodynamic and reactive transport modeling."
      Submissions Closed

      Natural fluids transport and re-distribute elements in a wide range of geologic environments and fluid-rock geochemical interactions play a critical role in the evolution of both natural and engineered subsurface systems, including geothermal reservoirs, ore formation, geological storage of nuclear waste, CO2 sequestration and geological energy storage of H2, compressed air and biomethane. Our understanding of element mobility in fluids depends greatly on our ability to quantify and model the processes occurring in the aqueous medium and during fluid-rock reactions at scales ranging from those of the molecular species, through pore-scale studies, to those of large geothermal fields, ore deposits, and assessment of processes occurring in waste repositories and storage facilities.

      This session welcomes submissions that will include, but not limited to: (1) theoretical, computational, and physics based machine learning models and experimental studies of hydrothermal fluids, gas-mineral-fluid interactions, and aqueous speciation in natural and engineered systems including molecular-level modeling of hydrothermal fluid properties, (2) reactive transport processes in fractured or porous rocks, focused on understanding of the spatial and temporal aspects of hydrobiogeochemical processes, and (3) large scale genetic models of geological deposits, engineered systems, etc.

    • 05i-O1: "Fluid-mediated processes in natural and engineered subsurface systems through field studies, experiments, thermodynamic and reactive transport modeling."
      Submissions Closed

    • 05i-O2: "Fluid-mediated processes in natural and engineered subsurface systems through field studies, experiments, thermodynamic and reactive transport modeling."
      Submissions Closed

    • 05i-O3: "Fluid-mediated processes in natural and engineered subsurface systems through field studies, experiments, thermodynamic and reactive transport modeling."
      Submissions Closed

    • 05i-P1: "Fluid-mediated processes in natural and engineered subsurface systems through field studies, experiments, thermodynamic and reactive transport modeling."
      Submissions Closed

    • 05j: "Multi-scale Geochemical Mapping for Mineral Resource Management"
      Submissions Closed

      Geochemical mapping is an essential tool in any study concerning Earth’s surface, regardless of scale. In an era where mineral raw materials play a critical role in the energy transition towards a greener society, regional geochemical mapping is particularly valuable to reveal metallogenic provinces with high ore potential. At more local mapping scales, geochemical studies can be directed towards identifying the provenance of certain elements or groups of elements. These local-scale geochemical surveys provide greater detail, offering insights that can be crucial for understanding the primary and secondary distribution and behaviour of elements, including mine tailings, which are becoming a valuable potential resource. The flexibility and applicability of geochemical mapping across various scales and disciplines underscores its indispensable role in mineral resource management. This session invites contributions on all aspects of mineral resource management including secondary resources.

      Submissions are welcome that focus on (1) exploration targeting for new mineral deposits, and (2) improving metal recovery from both primary ores and mine wastes.

    • 05j-O1: "Multi-scale Geochemical Mapping for Mineral Resource Management"
      Submissions Closed

    • 05j-P1: "Multi-scale Geochemical Mapping for Mineral Resource Management"
      Submissions Closed

    • 05k: "New advances in metallogenesis from magmatic-hydrothermal to basinal environments and their applications to exploration and metal recovery"
      Submissions Closed

      Metallogenesis plays a critical role in unraveling the complex processes that govern the formation, localization, and evolution of mineral resources. Significant amounts of mineral resources are associated with hydrothermal systems varying from magmatic-hydrothermal to basinal environments. As global demand for metals continues to rise, driven by technological advancements, the green energy revolution, and the pressing need for sustainable development, the study of economically important ore-deposits is fundamental. This includes, but is not restricted to, porphyry Cu-Mo-Au, granite-related Sn-W, pegmatite-related Li and rare metals, alkaline rock-carbonatite-related REE and high-field strength elements, clastic-dominated (CD-type) and Mississippi Valley-type (MVT) Zn-Pb, stratiform sediment-hosted Cu-(Co), sandstone-type U, unconformity-related U, and banded iron formation (BIF) related Fe deposits. In recent years, significant advances have been made in understanding processes and parameters governing metal extraction, transportation, deposition and mineralization style in various geodynamic and tectonic environments, boosting metal recovery. This session seeks cutting-edge research related to advances in isotope geochemistry, experimental petrology, geochronology, geochemistry, and modeling of the genesis of ore deposits. This session is intended for scientists working in academia, industry, government agencies and researchers interested in the geology of critical commodities and mineral exploration. By facilitating interdisciplinary discussions and presenting the latest scientific advancements, this session aims to contribute to a deeper understanding of ore geology and highlighting its role in addressing global resource challenges.

    • 05k-O1: "New advances in metallogenesis from magmatic-hydrothermal to basinal environments and their applications to exploration and metal recovery"
      Submissions Closed

    • 05k-O2: "New advances in metallogenesis from magmatic-hydrothermal to basinal environments and their applications to exploration and metal recovery"
      Submissions Closed

    • 05k-O3: "New advances in metallogenesis from magmatic-hydrothermal to basinal environments and their applications to exploration and metal recovery"
      Submissions Closed

    • 05k-P1: "New advances in metallogenesis from magmatic-hydrothermal to basinal environments and their applications to exploration and metal recovery"
      Submissions Closed


    Submissions Closed
    Analytical and computational techniques supply the data and interpretative frameworks that allow exploration of complex natural systems. Advances in such techniques, including the improvement of existing geochemical tools, new applications, and technological innovations are crucial to developing the geoscience toolbox necessary to answer questions over a range of time and size scales and to predict geochemical and geophysical processes and future impacts. We welcome sessions that highlight research at the frontiers of geochemically-oriented analytical and computational approaches, including both fundamental and applied research. Session proposals should focus on method development, application, and scientific outcomes across all sub-disciplines of Earth and planetary sciences. These can include – but are not limited to – elemental and isotopic characterization of natural systems in terrestrial and extraterrestrial environments, physico-chemical investigations of in situ processes and laboratory experiments, and numerical simulations from the atomic to the mesoscale. Studies detailing advancements in integrating data resources, data processing, and approaches to scaling-up observations are also welcome.
    Submit to a Session:
    • 06b: "Novel Lab and Field Techniques for Characterizing Complex Geochemical Mixtures, Fluids, and Processes Across Spatial and Temporal Scales"
      Submissions Closed

      Understanding complex environmental and geological systems requires innovative analytical approaches that span diverse spatial and temporal scales. This session brings together cutting-edge techniques in mass spectrometry (MS), portable field sampling and analysis, and neutron/X-ray methods to tackle challenges in characterizing organic mixtures, fluid transport, and geochemical reactions. We invite submissions on advancements in MS for analyzing natural organic matter, pollutants, and sustainable materials; novel field-deployable tools for real-time environmental and geochemical assessments; and neutron/X-ray applications for probing fluid-mineral interactions and subsurface transport processes. By integrating these diverse methodologies, this session aims to foster collaboration across analytical chemistry, geochemistry, environmental science, and engineering to improve our understanding of natural and anthropogenic processes in complex systems.

    • 06b-O1: "Novel Lab and Field Techniques for Characterizing Complex Geochemical Mixtures, Fluids, and Processes Across Spatial and Temporal Scales"
      Submissions Closed

    • 06b-O2: "Novel Lab and Field Techniques for Characterizing Complex Geochemical Mixtures, Fluids, and Processes Across Spatial and Temporal Scales"
      Submissions Closed

    • 06b-P1: "Novel Lab and Field Techniques for Characterizing Complex Geochemical Mixtures, Fluids, and Processes Across Spatial and Temporal Scales"
      Submissions Closed

    • 06d: "Advancing Ultrafast Laser Ablation in Analytical (Geo)chemistry"
      Submissions Closed

      Since the early 2000s, the advantages of the use of ultrashort pulsed lasers in analytical chemistry have been proposed, yet their widespread usage in analytical fields including LA-ICPMS, LIBS, LIMS, APT and their applications to geochemistry and material sciences grew slowly. However, the geochemical community is now ready to make significant advances in both technical development and practical applications of ultrafast laser technologies. This is highlighted by the growing number of laboratories currently operating ultrafast laser systems (or in the process of implementing the technique), as well as the arrival of commercial versions of femtosecond laser from manufacturers in the field of laser ablation technologies.

      This session welcomes contributions that 1) present novel methods, instrumentation or techniques that enhance the efficiency and efficacy of femtosecond laser ablation in analytical workflow, 2) address technical challenges associated with ultrafast laser ablation, 3) apply ultrafast laser ablation to answer complex (geo)chemical questions that cannot be answered by traditional nanosecond lasers, or 4) discuss the potential for ultrafast laser ablation to revolutionize analytical methods in geochemistry, including its integration with other analytical techniques and its role in addressing emerging scientific challenges. We aim to foster collaboration, share knowledge and create a community that facilitates the implementation, development and consequent applications of ultrafast laser ablation.

    • 06d-P1: "Advancing Ultrafast Laser Ablation in Analytical (Geo)chemistry"
      Submissions Closed

    • 06e: "Geochemical reactions, processes, and geomaterials across the scales: computational modelling, analytical techniques, and theoretical concepts (session in honor of Andreas Luttge)"
      Submissions Closed

      Physics and chemistry of geochemical systems, reactions, and processes is a vibrant and rich research field which incorporates studies of a large class of systems at a wide span of spatial and temporal scales. The analytical and computational tools include, but are not limited to, spectroscopy, microscopy, interferometry techniques, isotope signatures, chemical analysis, as well as Molecular Dynamics, ab initio, Monte Carlo, Lattice Boltzmann, and reactive transport computational methods. Each tool and technique provides details at a specific scale, though understanding the big picture of geochemical systems requires consideration of all relevant properties emerging at all scales revealed by different analytical and computational tools. We invite contributions dedicated to the fundamental understanding of mechanisms driving geochemical systems and processes at any scale, e.g., nucleation, crystal growth, dissolution, adsorption, mineral reactivity, phase transitions, elemental and isotope fractionation, material transport, weathering, water-rock interactions, application of geomaterials in environmental, industrial and medical fields, problem-targeted design of functionalized materials. This session is to honor scientific and societal contributions of Andreas Luttge, who recently retired, into the development of novel concepts and ideas in understanding mechanisms of water-rock interactions. Therefore, we especially welcome novel conceptual methods and findings in fundamental understanding of geochemical systems, including but not limited to rate variability across the scales, nonclassical nucleation, mesocrystals and aggregation, process fingerprint, unusual patterns in geochemical reactions and rocks, element/isotope records, key steps for mineral or rock formation, alteration or decomposition at all relevant scales, and other fundamental questions.

    • 06e-O1: "Geochemical reactions, processes, and geomaterials across the scales: computational modelling, analytical techniques, and theoretical concepts (session in honor of Andreas Luttge)"
      Submissions Closed

    • 06e-O2: "Geochemical reactions, processes, and geomaterials across the scales: computational modelling, analytical techniques, and theoretical concepts (session in honor of Andreas Luttge)"
      Submissions Closed

    • 06e-O3: "Geochemical reactions, processes, and geomaterials across the scales: computational modelling, analytical techniques, and theoretical concepts (session in honor of Andreas Luttge)"
      Submissions Closed

    • 06e-P1: "Geochemical reactions, processes, and geomaterials across the scales: computational modelling, analytical techniques, and theoretical concepts (session in honor of Andreas Luttge)"
      Submissions Closed

    • 06i: "Technological innovations and methodological advances in isotope geochemistry and isotope ratio mass spectrometry"
      Submissions Closed

      Mass spectrometry has a long history in geochemistry and isotope ratio mass spectrometers (IRMS), in particular, are essential tools that enable geoscientists to answer a gamut of questions that enhance our understanding of complex systems. Today, IRMS techniques cover the whole periodic table, and, as a consequence, no element is safe from interrogation!

      Methodological developments – including those in the realms of sample preparation/introduction, chromatographic separations, and new reference materials – improve analytical reproducibility, ease of use, and inter- and intra-lab quality control. Technical developments in IRMS, such as those addressing ion sources, collision cells, and mass prefilters on multi-collector plasma instrumentation, are also critical to advancing the use of isotopic tools. All branches of IRMS have also benefitted from developments in collector technologies with high-ohmic current amplifiers, charge-collection current amplifiers and multiple electron-multiplier detectors extending detection capabilities, while improving both analytical precision and accuracy.

      This session aims to bring together isotope geochemists using all types of IRMS to present and discuss recent advances and innovations in the field. We invite contributions on novel approaches to the collection of isotopic data, including novel sample preparation and sample introduction techniques, innovative mass spectrometer technologies and designs, and new data reduction strategies. We encourage contributions from early career researchers and those from traditionally underrepresented groups. Submissions of null or unexpected results that enhance understanding of the field are welcome and we are particularly interested in contributions that showcase ‘works in progress’.

    • 06j: "Innovations in Experimental, Analytical, and Computational Techniques to Investigate the Nanoscale in Geochemistry and Biogeochemistry"
      Submissions Closed

      Studying nanoscale particles and environments has become critical to understanding geochemical cycles in terrestrial, aquatic, and atmospheric environments. These studies can only be accomplished by recent advances in instrumentation, experimental methods, and data analysis/computation. Imaging and elemental analyses, notably through microscopy and synchrotron facilities, facilitate examination of nanoscale materials and environmental processes (e.g micro- and nanoscale sites in soil and sediments that influence redox speciation, nutrients, and biogeochemical cycles). Advances in mass spectrometry, especially ICP-MS and field-/flow-based separation, enable accurate measurements of mass and size distribution, as well as elemental, mineralogical, and/or organic composition of nanomaterials. These data are essential to understand the role of particles in (bio)geochemical cycles and the mechanisms underlying those processes. Examples of particle-modulated processes include: dispersal of indicator elements from ore deposits, soil weathering and sediment transport, climate and health impacts of atmospheric particles, and the transport and toxicological effects of anthropogenic contaminants. This session will emphasize recent innovations and adaptations in the design and application of novel methodologies applied to particles, colloids, and the (bio)geochemical processes they influence. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:

      • state-of-the-art resources available at user facilities or individual labs to characterize and interrogate the interactions involving nanoparticles, colloids, microbes, and minerals;
      • advancements in analytical techniques aimed at accurately measuring the size and composition of geogenic, biogenic, and anthropogenic nanoscale particles including nanominerals;
      • adaptations of established techniques from other fields that advance nano-geochemical research.

    • 06k: "Advancements in Reference Materials for Elemental, Isotopic, and Volatile Analysis in Geochemistry: Supporting Novel Method Development and Big Data Science"
      Submissions Closed

      Geochemistry increasingly relies on accurate and precise measurements of elemental concentrations, isotopic ratios, and volatile content within minerals and glasses using micro- and nano-beam instruments. Compositional variations at (sub-)micron scales can preserve records of crystal precipitation, thermal re-equilibration, melt infiltration, redox conditions, crystal strain, and low-temperature weathering. Radiogenic isotopic ratios can date these events, offering insights into lithosphere-hydrosphere evolution and environmental change throughout Earth's history.

      For many microbeam instruments (e.g., electron probe microanalysis, secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS), laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, micro-X-ray fluorescence), reference materials are essential for calibration. Even where this is not necessary (e.g., atom probe tomography), reference materials matched to analyzed mineral matrices are valuable for method validation and quantification of accuracy and precision. For Big Data applications, matrix-matched reference materials are crucial for documenting long-term reproducibility and levels of inter- and intra-grain homogeneity.

      We invite presentations showcasing recent advancements in the development and characterization of new reference materials for micro-/nano-beam analyses of elemental concentrations, isotopic ratios and volatile content (H, C, N, S, etc.). Topics may include the synthesis and characterization of new reference materials, assessment and mitigation of matrix effects, assessment of homogeneity of existing reference materials, innovative calibration strategies, and applications of new reference materials to address outstanding questions in geochemistry and cosmochemistry.

    • 06i-O1: "Technological innovations and methodological advances in isotope geochemistry and isotope ratio mass spectrometry"
      Submissions Closed

    • 06i-O2: "Technological innovations and methodological advances in isotope geochemistry and isotope ratio mass spectrometry"
      Submissions Closed

    • 06i-O3: "Technological innovations and methodological advances in isotope geochemistry and isotope ratio mass spectrometry"
      Submissions Closed

    • 06i-P1: "Technological innovations and methodological advances in isotope geochemistry and isotope ratio mass spectrometry"
      Submissions Closed

    • 06j-O1: "Innovations in Experimental, Analytical, and Computational Techniques to Investigate the Nanoscale in Geochemistry and Biogeochemistry"
      Submissions Closed

    • 06j-O2: "Innovations in Experimental, Analytical, and Computational Techniques to Investigate the Nanoscale in Geochemistry and Biogeochemistry"
      Submissions Closed

    • 06j-P1: "Innovations in Experimental, Analytical, and Computational Techniques to Investigate the Nanoscale in Geochemistry and Biogeochemistry"
      Submissions Closed

    • 06k-O1: "Advancements in Reference Materials for Elemental, Isotopic, and Volatile Analysis in Geochemistry: Supporting Novel Method Development and Big Data Science"
      Submissions Closed

    • 06k-P1: "Advancements in Reference Materials for Elemental, Isotopic, and Volatile Analysis in Geochemistry: Supporting Novel Method Development and Big Data Science"
      Submissions Closed


    Submissions Closed
    This theme invites sessions that explore the co-evolution of life, the environment and the planet on geological timescales. Within this theme, we aim to include sessions on the emergence and evolution of metabolisms and biogeochemical cycles, the influences of biological, geological, astronomical and chemical processes on Earth’s long-term habitability and key developmental milestones such as Earth’s surface oxidation, global glaciations and radiation or extinction events. We welcome sessions that span a wide range of disciplinary perspectives and methodological approaches, from numerical simulations to field-based studies of ancient environments and modern analogues.
    Submit to a Session:
    • 07a: "Application and development of non-traditional geochemical (isotope) proxies for paleoclimate & environment"
      Submissions Closed

      Unravelling how Earth’s environment, including its climate, oceans, biosphere, and atmosphere, has evolved over time is of key importance in addressing the challenges of climate and environmental change facing society today. The sedimentary rock record represents the primary archive of such changes in the geological past and one of the key paths towards a comprehensive understanding of long-term processes operating in the Earth system. The application of geochemical proxies at varying geospatial and stratigraphic resolutions presents a major tool for determining how Earth’s surface environment has evolved over time.

      Recent advances in proxy development have vastly improved our ability to reconstruct paleoenvironments, and paleoenvironmental changes, from the sedimentary record. In particular, the increasing use of non-traditional isotope systems (e.g., chromium, zinc, molybdenum, cadmium, osmium, uranium) has enabled greater understanding of the effects of, and relationships between, phenomena such as climate changes, large igneous province eruptions, oceanic anoxia, and mass extinctions (etc.), as well as positive and negative carbon cycle feedback systems in detail. These tools have also helped to link such observations from paleo-records to modern-day phenomena.

      In this session we invite submissions exploring the development and application of paleoclimatic, paleo-oceanographic and/or paleoenvironmental geochemical proxies. We especially welcome submissions which investigate the use of new or non-traditional isotope systems, the integration of multiple proxy systems (e.g. non-traditional & traditional isotope systems) or proxy and numerical model data. Submissions linking the past to the modern are also welcome. We particularly encourage submissions from early-career researchers and scientists from under-represented groups.

    • 07a-O1: "Application and development of non-traditional geochemical (isotope) proxies for paleoclimate & environment + Consonance and dissonance of life and planet Earth during the Phanerozoic through a lens of chemostratigraphy"
      Submissions Closed

    • 07a-O2: "Application and development of non-traditional geochemical (isotope) proxies for paleoclimate & environment + Consonance and dissonance of life and planet Earth during the Phanerozoic through a lens of chemostratigraphy"
      Submissions Closed

    • 07a-O3: "Application and development of non-traditional geochemical (isotope) proxies for paleoclimate & environment + Consonance and dissonance of life and planet Earth during the Phanerozoic through a lens of chemostratigraphy"
      Submissions Closed

    • 07a-P1: "Application and development of non-traditional geochemical (isotope) proxies for paleoclimate & environment + Consonance and dissonance of life and planet Earth during the Phanerozoic through a lens of chemostratigraphy"
      Submissions Closed

    • 07b: "Geoarchaeology and archaeological mineralogy"
      Submissions Closed

      The session is devoted to the application of geological and chemical methods to analyze the raw material base of prehistoric and ancient societies, problems of geoarchaeology and archaeometry and the practice of applying mineralogical and geochemical research methods to examine archaeological sites and artifacts. The session is targeted at discussing the results, methodological specifics and limitations of isotopic (Sr, C, O, N) analysis employed to study artifacts and archaeological sites as well as geochemical and isotopic mapping. Mineralogical and petrographic examination of different kinds of artifacts – lithic, wooden, bone and ceramic – is of interest, as well as multidisciplinary study on climatic reconstruction, climate change and its impact on prehistoric human adaptation and dispersal. The session is supposed to discuss the results of pioneering works, focused on development of geochemical methods for sampling and further pretreatment and its application in archaeology.

    • 07c: "The origin and rise of animals, and co-evolution of the Ediacaran-Cambrian Earth System"
      Submissions Closed

      The Ediacaran-Cambrian Transition (ECT, ca. 575 Ma to 520 Ma) encompasses one of the most remarkable intervals of Earth’s history. After billions of years, life in the ocean moved from simple single and multi-celled forms to macro-organisms with complex body plans that include the earliest soft-bodied and skeletal metazoans. The dawn and rise of animal life culminated in the diversity of phyla we see today. Despite recent advances, palaeoenvironmental changes in the Earth System that may have been responsible for the origin and diversification of animals remain enigmatic, as do the influences that new biota may have imposed on planetary climate and biogeochemical cycles. Understanding these changes requires a multidisciplinary approach that considers the co-evolution of life and environment and animal-planet interactions. This session welcomes submissions that aim to understand the Earth System and biospheric change during the ECT using new insights from geochemical, paleobiological/ecological, stratigraphic and sedimentological, geochronological, and/or numerical modelling data. This session will be partly dedicated to submissions that share new data from the International Continental Scientific Drilling Project (ICDP) ‘Geological Research through Integrated Neoproterozoic Drilling – The Ediacaran-Cambrian Transition’ (GRIND-ECT). Two drilling campaigns conducted by GRIND-ECT established a core network of correlative ECT strata, with the aim of reconstructing a highly resolved and temporally constrained stratigraphic, palaeontological and geochemical database.

    • 07c-O1: "The origin and rise of animals, and co-evolution of the Ediacaran-Cambrian Earth System"
      Submissions Closed

    • 07c-P1: "The origin and rise of animals, and co-evolution of the Ediacaran-Cambrian Earth System"
      Submissions Closed

    • 07d: "An Abundance of Cap Deltas: Unveiling Earth’s History Through Triple Oxygen and Clumped Isotope Measurements"
      Submissions Closed

      Reliable information on past climates, diagenesis, and hydrogeology is crucial for understanding the Earth system. Sedimentary and authigenic carbonates and silicates provide primary archives of past geological conditions. Specifically, quantitative proxy data from both terrestrial and marine environments form the foundation of much of our knowledge about Earth’s history. Over the past two decades, the development of “next-generation” stable isotope paleoclimate proxies, such as clumped isotopes (∆47 and ∆48) and triple oxygen isotopes (δ18O and ∆’17O), has led to significant breakthroughs. Notably, these methods, have expanded traditional paleoclimate reconstructions by providing previously unattainable information on water chemistry, kinetic processes, vital effects, and diagenesis, and hydrogeochemical processes.

      This session invites contributions that highlight how these new approaches enrich our understanding of Earth’s history. We particularly welcome applications of clumped and triple oxygen isotope proxies from Archean to Cenozoic sediments. Research topics may further include advances in methodology, new insights into the mechanistic basis of these tracers, and proxy–model comparisons.

    • 07d-O1: "An Abundance of Cap Deltas: Unveiling Earth’s History Through Triple Oxygen and Clumped Isotope Measurements"
      Submissions Closed

    • 07d-P1: "An Abundance of Cap Deltas: Unveiling Earth’s History Through Triple Oxygen and Clumped Isotope Measurements"
      Submissions Closed

    • 07e: "Biosphere stability over time: Integrating Deep-Time Process-Based (Climate, Ecological, Sedimentological) Modeling, Geochemical Datasets, and Redox Conditions to Understand the Evolution of Complex Life"
      Submissions Closed

      The evolution of complex life on Earth and the stabilization of its biosphere have been fundamentally influenced by interactions between biological evolution, climate regulation, and redox conditions. This session aims to integrate deep-time climate modeling with geochemical datasets to explore how these factors contributed to planetary habitability.

      Redox conditions, such as nutrient and oxygen availability, are fundamentally linked to the persistence and diversification of complex life over geologic time. The increasing oxygenation of deep ocean, shallow-marine, and terrestrial environments enabled the expansion of larger, more active, and ecologically differentiated biota. Geochemical proxies provide key insights into the redox evolution of Earth's oceans. When integrated with deep-time climate models, these datasets illuminate the role of stabilizing feedbacks in regulating redox structure and climate, including processes such as enhanced silicate weathering, reverse weathering, biological pump efficiency, and ocean acidification. We invite abstracts that integrate various lines of evidence from geochemical data and climate models to enhance our understanding of the coevolution of life and environment. We are particularly interested in elucidating the roles of geochemical and geobiological processes in regulating redox conditions during significant transitions, including - but not limited to - major biodiversification and extinction events, and seek to explore how various environmental controls influence the development and trajectory of life and habitability in the geologic record.

    • 07e-O1: "Biosphere stability over time: Integrating Deep-Time Process-Based (Climate, Ecological, Sedimentological) Modeling, Geochemical Datasets, and Redox Conditions to Understand the Evolution of Complex Life"
      Submissions Closed

    • 07e-P1: "Biosphere stability over time: Integrating Deep-Time Process-Based (Climate, Ecological, Sedimentological) Modeling, Geochemical Datasets, and Redox Conditions to Understand the Evolution of Complex Life"
      Submissions Closed

    • 07f: "Sedimentary archives of Earth's evolving habitability during the Precambrian"
      Submissions Closed

      Well-preserved sedimentary successions are critical for our understanding of the long-term evolution of Earth’s surface environments and habitats for life. This session explores the dynamic interplay of biological, chemical and geological processes recorded in sedimentary archives from the early Archean to the late Proterozoic, and their implications for Earth’s evolving habitability. We invite contributions that focus on microbially-driven biogeochemical and mineral processes on the early Earth, as well as geochemical and sedimentological studies of early surface environments from drill core and outcrop investigations. In addition, we welcome contributions that cover the co-evolution of Earth and life during the Precambrian, for example from times with major geobiological changes such as the onset of plate tectonics and rise of atmospheric oxygen, to the mid-Proterozoic period of apparent long-lasting environmental stability. The session aims to integrate perspectives from geological, sedimentological and geochemical studies on the Precambrian rock record and potential modern analogues, as well as laboratory experiments, theoretical calculations and model simulations to provide a holistic view of Precambrian Earth-life co-evolution.

    • 07f-O1: "Sedimentary archives of Earth's evolving habitability during the Precambrian"
      Submissions Closed

    • 07f-O2: "Sedimentary archives of Earth's evolving habitability during the Precambrian"
      Submissions Closed

    • 07f-O3: "Sedimentary archives of Earth's evolving habitability during the Precambrian"
      Submissions Closed

    • 07f-P1: "Sedimentary archives of Earth's evolving habitability during the Precambrian"
      Submissions Closed

    • 07h: "Global geochemical pathways to the origin and survival of life on Earth-like worlds"
      Submissions Closed

      Global-scale geochemical processes on Earth provided the crucial ingredients for life, enabling prebiotic chemistry, the emergence of the first biomolecules and cells, and the evolution of multicellularity. Unraveling the nature, scale, and timing of these complex processes will advance our understanding of the co-evolution of life and Earth’s environment while leveraging Earth as an exoplanet for studies of habitability on other worlds. To this end, we invite submissions that use modeling and experimental methods to explore prebiotic geochemistry, mineral-organic interactions, nutrient cycling, planetary surface-interior processes, and planetary atmospheres as they pertain to the emergence and survival of life on Earth and Earth-like exoplanets. We also invite contributions on the environmental conditions necessary for the origin and persistence of the first structural/informational biomolecules and the formation of microenvironments conducive to early biochemical processes.

    • 07h-O1: "Global geochemical pathways to the origin and survival of life on Earth-like worlds"
      Submissions Closed

    • 07h-O2: "Global geochemical pathways to the origin and survival of life on Earth-like worlds"
      Submissions Closed

    • 07h-P1: "Global geochemical pathways to the origin and survival of life on Earth-like worlds"
      Submissions Closed


    Submissions Closed
    This theme focuses on the interactions between Earth surface processes, sedimentary and geochemical fluxes, and biogeochemical cycles. Solicited topics include weathering processes within the Earth’s Critical Zone and across the land-ocean interface, and their links with global elemental cycling and climate across a range of spatial and temporal scales, including anthropogenic impacts. We encourage sessions covering topics such as geomorphological evolution, links between physical, chemical and biogeochemical weathering processes, elemental and isotopic fluxes, and enhanced silicate weathering. We also welcome topics that investigate the connections between these processes within the Earth system, and their impact on past, present and future climate. Contributions to the Theme can be based on modern observations from individual sites or from comparative studies, process-based experiments, sedimentological proxy records of surface and/or deeper Earth processes, as well as modelling frameworks.
    Submit to a Session:
    • 08b: "Enhanced rock weathering: from fundamentals to applications"
      Submissions Closed

      Enhanced rock weathering (ERW) is a climate change mitigation strategy that accelerates the natural process of rock weathering to remove CO2 from the atmosphere. It is emerging as one of the most promising and scalable negative emission technologies. While theoretically capable of sequestering gigatons of CO2, significant scientific advancements are still required to resolve nano- to global-scale uncertainties related to variable dissolution and mineralization rates, climatic and soil regimes, chemo-mechanical processes, hydrology, and microbial processes. We invite contributions that explore ERW across diverse temporal, geologic, climatic, and topographic settings, and its co-benefits and adverse impacts on soil health, plant growth, and river, groundwater, and ocean systems.

      We welcome topics leveraging mineralogical, geochemical, hydrologic, or radiogenic and stable isotopic tools to trace weathering processes and biogeochemical cycling, as well as numerical techniques. The session will also address broader challenges of CO2 removal via ERW such as their integration with agricultural practices, scalability, and environmental impacts. We encourage research on the scientific principles underlying these technologies, including laboratory, field, and modeling studies that examine weathering and carbonation kinetics, isotopic tracers, and the implications of weathering on biogeochemical cycles.

      Additionally, contributions that consider the socioeconomic and policy aspects of ERW deployment, such as measurement, reporting, verification, costs, and public acceptance, are welcomed. By combining perspectives across disciplines and scales, this session will foster a comprehensive understanding of ERW and its path towards large-scale implementation as a negative emission technology.

    • 08c: "Biogeochemistry of Natural Organic Matter in Aquatic and Terrestrial Environments"
      Submissions Closed

      Natural organic matter (NOM) in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems constitutes an integral part of the global carbon cycle and drives many biogeochemical processes. Physicochemical properties of NOM such as heterogeneity and polyfunctionality pose an additional layer of complexity in deciphering the role of NOM across spatial and temporal scales. Additionally, association of NOM with redox-sensitive elements such as iron, sulfur, nitrogen, or manganese can further influence speciation, mineral transformation, greenhouse gas emissions, microbial metabolism and nutrient bioavailability. Therefore, in order to decipher the ultimate role NOM plays in biogeochemical processes, it is essential to elucidate its molecular composition, and its pathways of transformation and decomposition.

      This session aims to advance our current understanding of NOM dynamics in aquatic and terrestrial environments, including terrestrial-aquatic interfaces ranging from soil, sediments, wetlands to the seafloor. We invite contributions focusing on the role of NOM in 1) nutrient and contaminant cycling; 2) mineral transformations; 3) greenhouse gas emissions; and 4) microbial metabolism. Abstracts that examine these topics in the context of climate change are particularly welcome. Laboratory- or field-based experimental studies as well as theoretical modelling studies, and novel methodological insights that improve our current mechanistic understanding of the kinetics and pathways of NOM decomposition and transformation are encouraged for submission.

    • 08b-O1: "Enhanced rock weathering: from fundamentals to applications"
      Submissions Closed

    • 08b-O2: "Enhanced rock weathering: from fundamentals to applications"
      Submissions Closed

    • 08b-P1: "Enhanced rock weathering: from fundamentals to applications"
      Submissions Closed

    • 08c-O1: "Biogeochemistry of Natural Organic Matter in Aquatic and Terrestrial Environments"
      Submissions Closed

    • 08c-P1: "Biogeochemistry of Natural Organic Matter in Aquatic and Terrestrial Environments"
      Submissions Closed

    • 08d: "Biogeochemical behavior of potentially toxic elements in the Earth surface by using metal isotopes"
      Submissions Closed

      Biogeochemical transfer, migration and cycling of potentially toxic elements in earth surface is a complex process, which is influenced by both different anthropogenic activities and natural weathering effects. This session focuses on the topics that investigate elemental and isotopic fluxes of potentially toxic elements in the surface and/or deeper Earth processes within the Earth's Critical Zone and across the land-ocean interface. The session also welcome the topics on identification and tracking of the sources and the key processes of the potentially toxic elements and their potential links with climate change by using metal isotopes, multivariate analysis, and modelling frameworks.

    • 08d-O1: "Biogeochemical behavior of potentially toxic elements in the Earth surface by using metal isotopes"
      Submissions Closed

    • 08d-P1: "Biogeochemical behavior of potentially toxic elements in the Earth surface by using metal isotopes"
      Submissions Closed

    • 08g: "Surficial geochemical processes on the Earth: Insights from non-traditional isotopes"
      Submissions Closed

      Surficial geochemistry focuses on the distribution patterns, behaviour, processes, and reactions involving elements and isotopes in various spheres of the Earth's surface over diverse time and spatial scales. These processes are intimately linked to energy and mass transfers between the lithosphere, pedosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere, and play an essential role in governing the sustainability of ecosystems and human society. However, there are many challenges in reliably reconstructing surficial geochemical processes, leading to controversies in how these mechanisms operate, presenting major challenges for meeting the UN Sustainable Development Goals. In order to promote a deeper understanding of the critical zone, this session focuses on exploring the latest research progress related to surficial geochemistry. We particularly encourage submissions involving traditional and non-traditional geochemical indicators, as well as solving scientific problems of the Earth's surface system over different temporal and spatial scales through a range of methods, including experiments, field observations, models, and machine learning. By bringing together research on a broad range of topics in surficial geochemistry, we aim to promote the frontiers of this field and to strengthen connections within and between disciplines.

    • 08g-O1: "Surficial geochemical processes on the Earth: Insights from non-traditional isotopes"
      Submissions Closed

    • 08g-O2: "Surficial geochemical processes on the Earth: Insights from non-traditional isotopes"
      Submissions Closed

    • 08g-P1: "Surficial geochemical processes on the Earth: Insights from non-traditional isotopes"
      Submissions Closed

    • 08k: "Terrestrial and marine weathering signals and environmental records in continental margins"
      Submissions Closed

      Continental margins host the global land-ocean interface where  strong boundary exchange and complex geochemical cycling take place. Significant differences in geological and oceanographic settings of continental margins worldwide mediate the complex propagation of terrestrial weathering signals from land to sea, while diverse marine weathering processes including reverse weathering in continental margin sediments further complicate the cycling of carbon and other key elements across various interfaces. The understanding of how natural and anthropogenic factors regulate the elemental cycling in continental margins across various temporal and spatial scales is thus of great significance for the study of weathering-climate links and feedbacks, and also for maintaining a sustainable and healthy oceanic environment in the future. We encourage holistic and comparative studies on various weathering processes and records of continental-margin critical zones that will provide better constraints on the flux and transformation of terrestrial matter from various sources to burial in continental margin sinks. Innovative and integrated approaches including in-situ observations, novel isotopic tracing and modelling that can advance the interdisciplinary studies of geochemical cycling in continental margins are particularly welcome.

    • 08k-O1: "Terrestrial and marine weathering signals and environmental records in continental margins + Cenozoic Asian topographic change and its environmental impact: land and sea comparative approach"
      Submissions Closed

    • 08k-O2: "Terrestrial and marine weathering signals and environmental records in continental margins + Cenozoic Asian topographic change and its environmental impact: land and sea comparative approach"
      Submissions Closed

    • 08k-P1: "Terrestrial and marine weathering signals and environmental records in continental margins + Cenozoic Asian topographic change and its environmental impact: land and sea comparative approach"
      Submissions Closed

    • 08l: "Development of novel geochemical proxies in sedimentary archives and their applications in deep time"
      Submissions Closed

      This session explores cutting-edge advancements in geochemical tools to decode Earth’s climatic and environmental history, emphasizing the development and application of novel proxies in sedimentary archives. A primary focus lies in utilizing non-traditional stable isotopes (e.g., B, Ca, Cd, Ba) and clumped isotopes within carbonate materials—such as mollusk shells, corals, and foraminifera to reconstruct paleoceanographic and paleoclimatic conditions. Key themes include breakthroughs in analytical precision (e.g., mass spectrometry), challenges in unraveling isotopic signals affected by biomineralization and diagenesis, and integrative modeling to enhance proxy reliability. Contributions are sought on experimental studies of synthetic carbonates, multi-proxy frameworks, and methodological innovations that refine interpretation of isotopic records. The session also highlights applications of these proxies to unravel the Precambrian Earth systems, where shifts in atmospheric and oceanic redox states, such as the Great Oxidation Event and Neoproterozoic Oxygenation, reshaped early life evolution. Submissions may address the mechanisms driving redox transitions (e.g., weathering dynamics, marine productivity changes, and Earth system models) and their links to biological evolution. By bridging advances in geochemical proxy development with insights into deep-time planetary processes, this session aims to foster interdisciplinary dialogue on how sedimentary archives illuminate the coevolution of Earth’s climate, surface environments, and life over billions of years.

    • 08l-O1: "Development of novel geochemical proxies in sedimentary archives and their applications in deep time"
      Submissions Closed

    • 08l-O2: "Development of novel geochemical proxies in sedimentary archives and their applications in deep time"
      Submissions Closed

    • 08l-P1: "Development of novel geochemical proxies in sedimentary archives and their applications in deep time"
      Submissions Closed

    • 08m: "River greenhouse gases: Tracking fluxes, sources, processes and vectors of change"
      Submissions Closed

      River surfaces around the world release large amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4). These leaks of carbon reflect a suit of biogeochemical processes that produce the greenhouse gases in Earth’s critical zone, from ecosystem productivity to chemical weathering of rock derived minerals and phases (silicate minerals, carbonate minerals, sulfides, rock organic matter). A set of hydrological processes then govern the delivery of CO2 and CH4 to streams and rivers, while turbulent river flow can enhance their release. While we have a good understanding of the global magnitude of river CO2 and CH4 release, we still lack information on how these fluxes might change. Land use change, combined with rising temperatures and the changing hydrological cycle, are likely to have impacted these fluxes in the present day, and the magnitude of expected change is difficult to assess. In parallel, some carbon cycle management approaches (e.g. enhanced rock weathering) rely on streams and rivers to carry dissolved products, which could impact their greenhouse gas release. This session calls for work seeking to address this challenge, including: novel measurements of CO2, CH4 and N2O fluxes in streams and rivers; from tropical to Arctic rivers, and from urban to non-urban; geochemical methods to track source and process (e.g. stable isotopes, radiocarbon, dissolved river chemistry); new approaches to flux upscaling; hydrological approaches to track gas transfer and export. We welcome field based studies, experimental approaches, in addition to data-driven, geospatial and numerical modelling techniques.

    • 08m-P1: "River greenhouse gases: Tracking fluxes, sources, processes and vectors of change"
      Submissions Closed

    • 08o: "Associations of Organics, Microbes, and Confined Water on Mineral Surfaces: Nanoscale to Molecular Insights into Reactivity and Transformation"
      Submissions Closed

      Field and laboratory-scale studies have demonstrated a strong influence of mineral-organic associations on the trapping, transformation, and stabilization of soil and sediment organics, including biomolecules released from plants and microorganisms and remnants of natural organic matter. The details of these associations and their subsequent impact on the fate of organic compounds, however, remain incompletely understood. The role of microorganisms in these associations is also unclear, but can govern persistence of organic compounds, mobility of nutrients and contaminants, formation of soil and sediment aggregates formation, and define microbial community structure and function. Confined water plays a pivotal role in mediating geochemical processes, including mineral-organic reactions, water-mineral interactions, and the chemistry of hydrated biological interfaces. These nanoscale processes contribute to larger-scale phenomena such as lithification, dissolution, and elemental cycling in soils and sediments.

      This session will cover new insights into interfacial chemistry involved in mineral-organic associations, mineral-microbe interactions, and nanoconfined water at mineral surfaces using a range of molecular-scale experiments, analytical, and computational techniques.

    • 08o-O1: "Associations of Organics, Microbes, and Confined Water on Mineral Surfaces: Nanoscale to Molecular Insights into Reactivity and Transformation"
      Submissions Closed

    • 08o-P1: "Associations of Organics, Microbes, and Confined Water on Mineral Surfaces: Nanoscale to Molecular Insights into Reactivity and Transformation"
      Submissions Closed

    • 08q: "Chemical weathering and fluvial sedimentary processes: implications for global geochemical cycles"
      Submissions Closed

      Weathering processes in river basins have gained global attention due to their association with long term climate and geochemical mass budget of the open ocean. The silicate weathering of rocks play a crucial role in modulating the global climate over a million-year timescale through the sequestration of atmospheric carbon dioxide in the geological rock record. Moreover, the geochemical mobilization of chemical elements to river and groundwater has significant impact on human health, other aquatic biota as well as abiotic processes including ocean acidification status. Therefore, it is pertinent to understand the weathering processes in global river basins, explore their controlling factors over the Earth’s critical zone, and fingerprint the delivery pathways of their products to oceans. This session encourages papers focusing on rivers and groundwater as transporting agents of weathered materials from the terrestrial environment to nearby oceans as well as the geochemical abundance of water, suspended particulate matter and bedload sediments in global river basins. The papers addressing the challenges faced in understanding of weathering processes during the Anthropocene will also enrich the session discussion.

    • 08q-O1: "Chemical weathering and fluvial sedimentary processes: implications for global geochemical cycles"
      Submissions Closed

    • 08q-P1: "Chemical weathering and fluvial sedimentary processes: implications for global geochemical cycles"
      Submissions Closed


    Submissions Closed
    A combination of biotic and abiotic processes shapes the cycling of various elements in the geosphere, biosphere, cryosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere. In return, these biogeochemical cycles have dramatically impacted the functioning of the biosphere and its evolution over geological time, in particular through redox cycling of nutrients and contaminants, production and consumption of greenhouse gases, and turnover of organic and inorganic substrates in ancient and modern environments. Element cycling in many cases is controlled by the availability of oxidized and reduced compounds that function as electron acceptors and donors or enzyme cofactors. Traces of these biogeochemical interactions can be found as specific mineralogical, isotope or trace element patterns and organic or inorganic biomarkers including specific genes, microbial communities or other remnants of biological activity. Deciphering how to find such traces of biological activity is key for the search of past or modern life on Earth or other planets. This theme invites sessions that will address such biogeochemical interactions, with a focus on terrestrial and marine ecosystems and the impact of these interactions on both modern and ancient elemental cycles including relevant aspects for climate and the environment (water, soil, sediment and atmosphere) and the history of life. Also invited are sessions that discuss new and environmentally relevant metabolisms, coupled elemental cycles, biogenic-mediated redox and mineralization reactions. We encourage sessions including interdisciplinary approaches in geomicrobiology, biogeochemistry and astrobiology including laboratory and field investigations, cultivation experiments, isotope analyses, spectroscopic and microscopic techniques and molecular “omics” studies.
    Submit to a Session:
    • 09a: "Microbial ecology and elemental cycling in terrestrial and aquatic systems: integrating biogeochemistry, geomicrobiology and modeling"
      Submissions Closed

      Microorganisms are directly responsible for driving biogeochemical cycles. Recent advances in analytical and isotopic chemistry characterize elemental cycling in an unprecedented detail, and progress in molecular biology now allow us to routinely characterize the microbial communities and their metabolic activities. The synergistic potential of combining those large datasets in marine biogeochemistry and geomicrobiology is clear, but major challenges remain in interpreting these datasets. To better exploit the full information from coupled molecular biology and biogeochemical data innovative approaches for leveraging ecological theory and evidence are required, including coupled process-based models and data-driven machine learning methods.

      In this session, we aim to attract interdisciplinary studies across aquatic and terrestrial environments that combine elemental and isotopic geochemistry (e.g., aquatic geochemistry, stable isotope probing, lipidomics, etc.) and microbial ecology (e.g., metagenomics, metatranscriptomics, etc.) to facilitate our understanding of the functioning and prevalence of biogeochemical processes. We welcome studies providing innovative tools or a novel combination of already existing techniques to quantify nutrient and carbon cycling, energy turnover, contaminant degradation, and greenhouse gas emissions. We particularly also encourage submissions on novel ecological theory and model concepts that allow for model integration with lab- or field-based data across spatial and temporal scales.

    • 09a-O1: "Microbial ecology and elemental cycling in terrestrial and aquatic systems: integrating biogeochemistry, geomicrobiology and modeling"
      Submissions Closed

    • 09a-O2: "Microbial ecology and elemental cycling in terrestrial and aquatic systems: integrating biogeochemistry, geomicrobiology and modeling"
      Submissions Closed

    • 09a-P1: "Microbial ecology and elemental cycling in terrestrial and aquatic systems: integrating biogeochemistry, geomicrobiology and modeling"
      Submissions Closed

    • 09b: "Biomolecule-mineral interactions and preservation in the environment: Past and Future perspectives"
      Submissions Closed

      Minerals have been shown to play a direct role in protecting and preserving biomolecules including DNA, RNA, proteins, and nucleotides in terrestrial and marine systems. Mineral surfaces can catalyze (e.g., oligomerization of nucleic acids in early earth systems) or stabilize biomolecules (e.g., preservation of ancient and environmental DNA) in natural environments. For example, the recent successful recovery of ancient DNA directly from sediments has shed new light on human history and ancient ecosystems. Though, method development over last decades has facilitated recovery of these molecules to track evolutionary processes and to reconstruct past environments, there are still challenges regarding the extraction of sedimentary DNA, particularly, in absence of fossilized bones. Additionally, the exact mechanisms that contribute to long-term preservation of biomolecules in the environment remain elusive. A deeper understanding of the mechanisms governing mineral-biomolecule interactions is essential to advance our knowledge on the preservation of ancient, environmental, and sedimentary DNA, the transformation and stability of biosignatures in terrestrial and extraterrestrial environments, the fate of viral DNA/RNA in wastewater-based epidemiology tracking, and the role of minerals in the origin of life and earth’s history.

      We invite experimental and theoretical studies that improve our understanding of the behaviour, function, and fate of biomolecules at mineral surfaces with applications across disciplines including but not limited to archaeology, astrobiology, biogeochemistry, environmental forensics, horizontal gene transfer, wastewater surveillance and origin of life.

    • 09b-O1: "Biomolecule-mineral interactions and preservation in the environment: Past and Future perspectives"
      Submissions Closed

    • 09b-P1: "Biomolecule-mineral interactions and preservation in the environment: Past and Future perspectives"
      Submissions Closed

    • 09c: "Tracking organic matter production, transformation, and sequestration dynamics"
      Submissions Closed

      This session will explore the interconnected processes of organic matter (OM) production, transformation, and long-term storage that underpin ecosystem balance and influence global energy distribution and climate. Primary producers convert solar energy to OM, which then begins its journey through food webs and microbial loops and on to environmental transformation and geological burial. Combined biological and abiotic mechanisms govern the reactivity and preservation of OM in aquatic systems, soils, and sediments, and thereby the partitioning of energy among major carbon reservoirs, including atmospheric CO₂. Improved understanding of the factors that control these processes is required to inform global carbon cycle models, environmental management, and carbon sequestration.


      Advancements in isotope methodologies, including those that target signals alternative to those recorded in carbon, have facilitated identification of novel pathways of OM transformation and more precise quantification of carbon fluxes. These techniques are now expanding our ability to track OM through complex nutrient and energy pathways, from surface and shallow ecosystems to the deep biosphere. Key to these processes are environmental conditions, such as redox changes, pH, temperature, and organo-mineral interactions that shield OM from microbial and enzymatic degradation.


      We kindly invite all researchers and attendees who contribute to this integration of insights from experimental, observational, and modeling approaches to deepen our understanding of OM cycling.

      Keynote: Professor Caroline Peacock, University of Leeds

    • 09d: "Earth’s sulfur cycle: novel tools for exploring ancient rocks, modern environments, and experiments"
      Submissions Closed

      The surface S cycle is central to the evolution of Earth’s redox state, climate, and biosphere. It is governed by a dynamic interplay between atmospheric, lithospheric, and biogeochemical processes and is strongly linked to other elemental (e.g., Fe, C, and O) and trace metal (e.g., Cu, Ba) cycles through complex redox processes. Biogeochemical S cycling, including microbial sulfate reduction, disproportionation, oxidative S cycling, and chemical weathering of S minerals, occurs in diverse sedimentary and hydrothermal environments. The resulting minerals and biomass are critical archives for paleoenvironmental change (i.e., proxies) and the evolution of life (i.e., biosignatures). These archives have been examined for decades using techniques from mineralogy, stable isotope geochemistry, and environmental microbiology. Still, many questions remain about interpreting geochemical fingerprints of microbial S cycling in modern and ancient environments. By bringing together a diverse group of speakers and attendees, this session aims to advance our understanding and quantification of processes operating within Earth’s S cycle in deep time and today. We invite studies from geochemically diverse environments, including marine and terrestrial sediments, hydrothermal vents, and the deep subsurface, from modern to ancient Earth. We particularly encourage submissions that use novel analytical tools such as minor isotope (33S, 36S, 17O) geochemistry, biomarkers, enzymology, and ‘omics’ studies. Novel experimental approaches are welcome, as are computational studies.

    • 09c-O1: "Tracking organic matter production, transformation, and sequestration dynamics"
      Submissions Closed

    • 09c-O2: "Tracking organic matter production, transformation, and sequestration dynamics"
      Submissions Closed

    • 09c-P1: "Tracking organic matter production, transformation, and sequestration dynamics"
      Submissions Closed

    • 09d-O1: "Earth’s sulfur cycle: novel tools for exploring ancient rocks, modern environments, and experiments"
      Submissions Closed

    • 09d-P1: "Earth’s sulfur cycle: novel tools for exploring ancient rocks, modern environments, and experiments"
      Submissions Closed

    • 09e: "Exploring biogeochemical processes in extreme environments using interdisciplinary approaches"
      Submissions Closed

      Extreme environments play a crucial role in Earth's biogeochemical cycles through processes including mineral precipitation, nutrient remineralization, the storage and release of greenhouse gases, which impact the cycling of key elements and climate regulation. These unique environments not only contribute to global cycles but are also potential terrestrial analogs of other planetary bodies such as Mars or the icy moons Enceladus and Europa. Studying these analog sites makes it possible to infer biogeochemical processes happening beyond Earth’s boundaries and ultimately address questions related to the environmental limits of life, the habitability of planetary bodies in the solar system or beyond, and the preservation and detection of relevant biosignatures in the ongoing search for life.

      This session will feature presentations covering all aspects of chemical, physical, biological, and geological processes, the interactions of these processes in extreme environments, and how to leverage improved insights of extreme environments to better understand global biogeochemical cycles on Earth and other planetary bodies. We welcome work on the cryosphere, anoxic environments, deserts, hydrothermal vents, and hyperalkaline springs among others. We invite contributions that examine the chemical weathering of minerals, the cycling of nutrients and contaminants, isotopic ratios, microbe-mineral interactions, biofilms, organic substrates and metabolites, extremophiles, and the use of cutting-edge technologies to detect and analyze biosignatures. By synthesizing findings across different geographic regions and time scales, this session aims to enhance our understanding of the implications of extreme environments for the future of our planet's biogeochemical cycles and their applications to other planetary bodies.

    • 09e-O1: "Exploring biogeochemical processes in extreme environments using interdisciplinary approaches"
      Submissions Closed

    • 09e-O2: "Exploring biogeochemical processes in extreme environments using interdisciplinary approaches"
      Submissions Closed

    • 09e-O3: "Exploring biogeochemical processes in extreme environments using interdisciplinary approaches"
      Submissions Closed

    • 09e-P1: "Exploring biogeochemical processes in extreme environments using interdisciplinary approaches"
      Submissions Closed

    • 09f: "Imaging and spectroscopic techniques for biogeochemistry, environmental and planetary sciences: from conventional to synchrotron-based microscopy techniques"
      Submissions Closed

      Micro and nanoscale imaging and spectroscopic analysis are critical for studying complex biogeochemical processes in fields of aquatic, terrestrial, and planetary sciences. Spatiotemporally sensitive measurements of microbial community dynamics, organo/microbe -mineral interfaces, and nanoscale mineral weathering processes in heterogeneous systems enable the decoupling of distinct biogeochemical reactions, allowing the investigation of relevant mechanisms.

      This session aims to advance our knowledge of using innovative imaging and spectroscopic techniques including confocal Raman microscopy, scanning probe microscopy, light-sheet fluorescence microscopy and synchrotron-based techniques (e.g., Scanning Transmission X-ray Microscopy (STXM), X-ray Fluorescence Microprobe (XFM), ptychography, X-ray Absorption Near Edge Structure (XANES)) to investigate biogeochemical reactions. We welcome contributions that: (1) utilize one or multiple imaging and spectroscopic techniques to study biogeochemical reactions; (2) employ novel experimental tools (e.g., microfluidics, correlative microscopy, in situ 3D imaging under cryo- or hydrated conditions, and bioreporters) to investigate microbial interactions; and (3) apply conventional and customized data analysis tools to interpret imaging results from across various analytical techniques.

      This session is supported by the “Synchrotron Earth and Environmental Science” (SEES) program funded by the National Science Foundation in the U.S., which aims to advance research and techniques that utilize synchrotron radiation facilities to Earth and Environmental studies.

    • 09f-O1: "Imaging and spectroscopic techniques for biogeochemistry, environmental and planetary sciences: from conventional to synchrotron-based microscopy techniques"
      Submissions Closed

    • 09f-P1: "Imaging and spectroscopic techniques for biogeochemistry, environmental and planetary sciences: from conventional to synchrotron-based microscopy techniques"
      Submissions Closed

    • 09g: "Biomineralization and proxy records: tracing formation, stability, and diagenetic overprinting"
      Submissions Closed

      This session focuses on the role of biomineralization in Earth’s geochemical cycles, with minerals formed by organisms acting as crucial proxies for reconstructing paleo-environmental conditions and understanding Earth system processes. Biominerals, particularly primary carbonates such as dolomite, along with oxyhydroxides, sulfides, and phosphates, serve as environmental archives, at times preserving signatures that can reveal insights into past climates, evolving atmospheric conditions, and the dynamics of the Earth System. We welcome studies on the formation and transformation of biominerals, as well as the complex interactions between biotic and abiotic factors that influence mineral stability and possible preservation from diagenetic overprinting. Contributions from diverse integrated fields—such as geochemistry, geomicrobiology, and sedimentology—are encouraged to deepen insights into mineral-driven cycles of carbon, oxygen, sulfur, silica, iron, and other key elements across geological time.

    • 09g-O1: "Biomineralization and proxy records: tracing formation, stability, and diagenetic overprinting"
      Submissions Closed

    • 09g-O2: "Biomineralization and proxy records: tracing formation, stability, and diagenetic overprinting"
      Submissions Closed

    • 09g-P1: "Biomineralization and proxy records: tracing formation, stability, and diagenetic overprinting"
      Submissions Closed

    • 09h: "Biogeochemical Interactions in the modern land-ocean continuum related to climate change, contaminant transfer and coastal rewilding"
      Submissions Closed

      This session focuses on the critical role of coastal sediments and wetlands as interfaces in global biogeochemical cycles, shaping nutrient dynamics, carbon sequestration, and pollutant mobility across the land-ocean continuum. Coastal systems, including sediments and wetlands, function as transition zones that mediate element exchanges through complex interactions of biotic and abiotic processes, such as early diagenesis, redox reactions, and hydrological mixing influenced by tidal and riverine forces. The sensitivity of these ecosystems to human impacts, such as urbanization, pollution, deforestation, and climate change, including sea level rise and flooding, amplifies their dynamic nature and necessitates innovative research approaches. Traditional models often fail to capture the high temporal and spatial variability of these systems; thus, this session invites contributions that highlight advancements in high-resolution methodologies such as isotope geochemistry, hyperspectral imaging, and reactive transport modeling. We seek interdisciplinary research that explores the micro- to macro-scale interactions at particle-water-biota interfaces, with a focus on nutrient cycling, trace metal mobility, and redox-driven element transformations. By bringing together studies in geomicrobiology, biogeochemistry, sedimentology, and environmental physics, this session will encourage the integration of fieldwork, laboratory experiments, and computational modeling to advance our understanding of coastal resilience. Discussions will address the broader implications of these coastal processes for climate adaptation, environmental health, and ecosystem sustainability.

    • 09h-O1: "Biogeochemical Interactions in the modern land-ocean continuum related to climate change, contaminant transfer and coastal rewilding"
      Submissions Closed

    • 09h-O2: "Biogeochemical Interactions in the modern land-ocean continuum related to climate change, contaminant transfer and coastal rewilding"
      Submissions Closed

    • 09h-P1: "Biogeochemical Interactions in the modern land-ocean continuum related to climate change, contaminant transfer and coastal rewilding"
      Submissions Closed

    • 09i: "Evolution and tipping points of biogeochemical cycles throughout Earth’s history"
      Submissions Closed

      Biogeochemical cycles have changed throughout Earth’s history, driven by the evolution of living organisms and environmental conditions. These changes are reflected in major elements, including carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, as well as trace elements, such as molybdenum, iron and nickel. Significant variations in speciation and concentrations occurred across Earth’s surficial reservoirs. Remarkable progress has been made in recent decades in deciphering trends and trajectories in the evolution of biogeochemical cycling alongside changes in geochemical parameters such as pO2, pH or alkalinity. Studies of the geological record during extreme states such as the Great Oxidation Event, Snowball Earth intervals, hothouse climates, and modern environments influenced by anthropogenic stressors (e.g. excess P delivery) are critical for exploring the intricate geobiological dynamics (rates, thresholds and feedbacks) and its effects on Earth's surface temperature, nutrient availability and ecosystems. This session aims to deepen our understanding of the co-evolution of biogeochemical cycling and nutrient dynamics on Earth. We invite submissions of integrated geochemical datasets and/or evolutionary models for ancient, modern, and engineered ecosystems, spanning from molecular processes to sedimentary basins and back to the primitive Earth’s environment. Topics such as enzymatic evolution, Earth System modelling, biomineralization, and astrobiology are especially welcome. Additionally, we encourage contributions on the applications, potentials, and limitations of novel isotopic, spectroscopic, and microscopic analytical methods within biogeochemical cycles.

    • 09i-O1: "Evolution and tipping points of biogeochemical cycles throughout Earth’s history"
      Submissions Closed

    • 09i-P1: "Evolution and tipping points of biogeochemical cycles throughout Earth’s history"
      Submissions Closed

    • 09j: "From Geosphere to Biosphere: Hydrothermal Transitions and Energy Supplies for Chemoautotrophy from Shallow Shores to Dark Depths"
      Submissions Closed

      Hydrothermal systems, from sunlit shallows to the dark ocean depths, create some of Earth's most dynamic environments by linking the geosphere to the biosphere. Chemical energy produced during water-rock interactions supports diverse microbial communities and drives unique ecosystems that transition from photosynthetic to chemosynthetic life. Changes in energy sources coincide with depth in marine environments or with distance from the source in terrestrial hot springs. This intricate interplay extends into hydrothermal plumes, where relatively reduced hydrothermal fluids mix with oxidized seawater, creating extreme gradients in redox potential that power chemoautotrophic metabolisms. This session explores the evolution of hydrothermal systems across varying depths and distances, emphasizing the impact of geology, fluid chemistry, and redox conditions on microbial adaptation and ecosystem dynamics.

      Key questions include: How do shifts in geology and fluid chemistry influence the energy landscape and habitability for microbial communities at different depths and distances? What role do these chemical energy supplies play in the evolution from photosynthetic to chemosynthetic life, and how do symbiotic relationships with microorganisms support higher organisms? Beyond Earth, can these processes inform our understanding of habitability on other ocean worlds, where water-rock interactions provide potential chemical energy sources?

      We welcome contributions from scientists at all career stages, spanning disciplines including geochemistry, biogeochemistry, geomicrobiology, and related fields, using field studies, laboratory experiments, geochemical and microbial modeling, and molecular "omics." This interdisciplinary session aims to bridge our understanding of hydrothermal systems as an ecological and geochemical continuum, connecting Earth’s dynamic environments to the potential for life beyond.

    • 09j-O1: "From Geosphere to Biosphere: Hydrothermal Transitions and Energy Supplies for Chemoautotrophy from Shallow Shores to Dark Depths"
      Submissions Closed

    • 09j-P1: "From Geosphere to Biosphere: Hydrothermal Transitions and Energy Supplies for Chemoautotrophy from Shallow Shores to Dark Depths"
      Submissions Closed

    • 09k: "Climate and land management impacts on soil biogeochemical cycles of agroecosystems"
      Submissions Closed

      As food security becomes a growing concern with increased human populations and the threat of global change, it is essential to understand the effects of both climatic change and land management strategies on biogeochemical cycling in agroecosystems and associated crop productivity. Climate change is projected to bring about fluctuating temperatures, high precipitation rates, increasing CO2 levels and storm-water intrusion, which can decrease crop yields and nutritional quality. Land management strategies (e.g., fertilizer/pesticide application, crop selection, microbial inoculation, irrigation management) greatly influence biogeochemical cycles by altering soil properties, microbial communities, and plant processes. The primary aim of this session is to gather the scientific minds who are working on the interphase of soil-plant-microbes with special emphasis on climatic changes and different agronomic practices. This session welcomes contributions that address the effect of climate and land management on

      1. Biogeochemical cycles of major nutrients (e.g., C, N, P, S), essential micronutrients (e.g., Fe, Se, Zn), or potential toxicants (e.g., As, Cd, Cr, Hg, Pb).
      2. Molecular microbiome structure and response
      3. Crop-microbial interactions

      Studies from microscale to field scale fall in this scope. Fundamental/mechanistic/process-based studies are highly encouraged.

    • 09k-O1: "Climate and land management impacts on soil biogeochemical cycles of agroecosystems"
      Submissions Closed

    • 09k-P1: "Climate and land management impacts on soil biogeochemical cycles of agroecosystems"
      Submissions Closed


    Submissions Closed
    The geochemical processes that drive the transfer and transformation of elements across the biosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, and anthroposphere result from the complex interplay of biotic and abiotic reactions. While these reactions occur across interfaces (e.g., air-water, water-particle, and particle-particle) and over small spatial distances, they are drivers of large-scale phenomena. For instance, the geochemical cycling of carbon, nutrients, and metals at air-water-particle interfaces in response to environmental perturbations (e.g., warming, extreme hydrologic events such as droughts and floods, resource extraction, among others) dictates ecosystem health, soil function, and water quality. Understanding of such cross-scale interactions is urgently needed to cope with the challenges of global change.

    This theme will host sessions that address the geochemical cycling of major and trace elements in terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems. In particular, the theme will bring together sessions that address system complexity, especially in response to global change and anthropogenic perturbation, through the use of experimental, computational, and field-based investigations. We encourage submissions of sessions on 1) mechanisms and rates of coupled processes at environmental interfaces (e.g., redox and mineral (trans)formation reactions, plant uptake, organic matter cycling, and geochemistry at surface water-groundwater interfaces); 2) geochemical studies conducted across relevant biogeochemical gradients; 3) in-situ approaches including isotope studies, chemical imaging, and geophysical measurements; 3) advanced analytical methods including advanced spectroscopic approaches and multimodal approaches at small and large scales; and 4) climate-induced perturbations of geochemical cycles (e.g., thawing permafrost, wildfire, soil warming, water level fluctuations, increased frequency and intensity of storms, and sea level rise).

    Submit to a Session:
    • 10a: "Use-inspired geochemistry: the science underpinning environmental solutions"
      Submissions Closed

      Mechanistic geochemical knowledge across a range of scales is often at the center of optimal design and implementation of strategies for soil and water remediation and resource recovery. Notable examples that have benefited from molecular-scale understanding of geochemical drivers include phytoremediation, soil amendments and chemical injections for contaminant stabilization. Advanced synchrotron-based X-ray characterization techniques, and particularly the use of multi-modal approaches, have revealed complex pathways of contaminant geochemical cycling with implications for bioavailability and ultimate cross-scale outcomes. This multidisciplinary session aims to showcase use-inspired research projects that rely on a detailed mechanistic understanding of underlying geochemical processes on small and large scales, with a particular emphasis on inorganic pollutant behavior (e.g., Pb, Cd, Hg, N, P, U, As) across a variety of environmental interfaces. We specifically encourage presentations that integrate molecular-scale data with macroscopic measurements to directly investigate metal(loid) and/or nutrient dynamics to inform solutions for remediation or resource recovery. We look forward to an inspiring session that includes presentations from early-career to senior scientists with diverse expertise to delve into key geochemical processes underpinning environmental solutions and how to collectively harness this knowledge.

    • 10a-O1: "Use-inspired geochemistry: the science underpinning environmental solutions"
      Submissions Closed

    • 10a-P1: "Use-inspired geochemistry: the science underpinning environmental solutions"
      Submissions Closed

    • 10c: "Novel insights into biogeochemical cycling in watersheds from source to estuary based on chemical, isotopic and microbiological techniques"
      Submissions Closed

      One of the main challenges of current research on nutrient and pollutant cycling in surface waters (lakes, rivers) and groundwater, and the functioning of the continental Ecosphere, lies in the development of approaches that integrate across element cycles and various scales from small catchments to large regional watersheds. The combination of chemical, isotopic and microbiological techniques has emerged as a very promising approach for gaining novel insights into the sources, processes and products that govern element cycling in lakes, rivers, the water-unstarurated zone, and groundwater in watersheds of various scales. This session will focus on the use of isotopic tools in combination with hydrologic, chemical and microbiological approaches in watersheds of various sizes to gain novel insights into:

      • Nutrient (C, N, P, S, H) cycling and interactions of nutrient cycles.

      • Identification of sources and tracing the fate of point source and non point source pollutants including emerging contaminants.

      • Greenhouse gas emissions (N2O, CH4, etc.) to the atmosphere from aquatic systems, soils and the soil-plant interface.

      We welcome innovative contributions on analytical developments, laboratory and mesocosm experiments, field studies at different scales, and modelling approaches.

    • 10c-O1: "Novel insights into biogeochemical cycling in watersheds from source to estuary based on chemical, isotopic and microbiological techniques"
      Submissions Closed

    • 10c-P1: "Novel insights into biogeochemical cycling in watersheds from source to estuary based on chemical, isotopic and microbiological techniques"
      Submissions Closed

    • 10d: "Redox driven contaminant dynamics in terrestrial systems"
      Submissions Closed

      Dynamic redox processes influence element cycling, electron transfer reactions, mineral transformation, release of greenhouse gases and degradation of organic matter (OM), exerting direct control over the behavior and fate of nutrients and contaminants in terrestrial systems. For example, minerals bearing redox-active elements (e.g., Fe, Mn, S) undergo dissolution and (re)precipitation processes that control the bioavailability of contaminants (As, Cr, Cd, Pb, Sb, Se,V, U,...) and nutrients (P, Cu, Zn...). These atomic scale processes at aqueous-mineral interfaces drive water and soil quality, but the kinetics of these reactions and their complexity and heterogeneity at molecular and field scale are still not fully understood.

      We welcome contributions that improve our mechanistic understanding of (1) mineral transformations in redox-dynamic environments, (2) the fate and behavior of contaminants and nutrients in redox dynamic environments, (3) elemental cycling of redox sensitive elements in the terrestrial, aquatic, and coastal systems, (4) novel methodologies to characterize these processes in natural environments, and (5) modeling studies that consider redox processes and their impact on environmental systems.

    • 10d-O1: "Redox driven contaminant dynamics in terrestrial systems"
      Submissions Closed

    • 10d-O2: "Redox driven contaminant dynamics in terrestrial systems"
      Submissions Closed

    • 10d-P1: "Redox driven contaminant dynamics in terrestrial systems"
      Submissions Closed

    • 10e: "Global change signatures in catchment biogeochemistry"
      Submissions Closed

      Global changes, including climate variability, shifting land use, and other anthropogenic pressures, rapidly alter biogeochemical cycles, affecting the structure and function of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Because catchments integrate terrestrial landscapes, freshwater systems, and coastal environments, they serve as sentinels of these global environmental changes. By capturing the cumulative influence of upstream drivers, catchments reveal the pathways, magnitude, and complexity of global change signals that ripple through entire ecological networks. Understanding these signatures, and how they emerge from the interplay of multiple drivers, is essential for revealing underlying mechanisms, forecasting future trajectories, and guiding informed management.

      This session advances systematic research into how catchment biogeochemistry responds to global-scale drivers, as well as to acute disturbances. We welcome presentations that utilize observations, experiments, and modeling to generate, analyze, and interpret biogeochemical fluxes within watersheds and among their subsystems, with a specific emphasis on characterizing and predicting rapid ecosystem changes. Topics include, but are not limited to: 1) landscape processes influencing chemical loads; 2) biogeochemical fluxes at the groundwater–surface water interface; 3) innovative methods for gap-filling and modeling biogeochemical records; 4) trajectories of carbon, nutrients, metals, contaminants, and radiotracers; and 5) responses of catchment biogeochemical dynamics to climate change, land-use shifts, and episodic pollution events. We particularly encourage interdisciplinary and cross-system studies that use catchment biogeochemical signals to enhance our understanding and management of accelerating ecosystem transformations.

    • 10e-O1: "Global change signatures in catchment biogeochemistry"
      Submissions Closed

    • 10e-P1: "Global change signatures in catchment biogeochemistry"
      Submissions Closed

    • 10f: "Catchment biogeochemistry: from local variability to global principles"
      Submissions Closed

      Many catchments worldwide are increasingly threatened by both natural and various anthropogenic stresses, such as changes in water resources management and climate change. These stresses reduce resilience and increase vulnerability to extreme events, making it crucial to understand the complex dynamics governing these natural systems. However, predicting the geochemical responses (e.g., major ions, trace elements, nutrients) of catchments to local and global changes is particularly challenging due to the heterogeneity of landscape features, non-linear geo-hydrological processes, surface-groundwater interactions, organized states far from equilibrium, and intricate biogeochemical cycles. To derive generalizable insights, it is essential to move beyond current understanding and employ new approaches to examine the sources of variability across multiple scales.

      This session invites contributions that analyze catchments worldwide, highlight innovative methodologies, or explore their functional principles from a multidisciplinary perspective. Examples include:

      • Applications of computational multivariate methods developed under the CoDA (Compositional Data Analysis) theory
      • Studies involving trace elements (e.g., As, U, Pb, Hg) and nutrients (e.g., nitrate, phosphate, sulfate), which have health impacts from essential to toxic, depending on their concentration and speciation. To tackle exposure to toxic elements, it is important to understand larger scale trace elements mobility in and across reservoirs spanning from surface water, soils, vadose zone to groundwater.
      • Contributions that integrate and upscale lab, field, modeling and statistical methods to the catchment scale.
      • Investigations that explore the spatio-temporal variability of riverine media (e.g., river waters, stream sediments, suspended solids), with studies involving biological matrices, soil processes, and groundwater also welcomed.

    • 10f-O1: "Catchment biogeochemistry: from local variability to global principles"
      Submissions Closed

    • 10f-P1: "Catchment biogeochemistry: from local variability to global principles"
      Submissions Closed

    • 10g: "Tracers, and models to assess the dynamics of water and fluid systems"
      Submissions Closed

      Water is arguably the most vital geo-resource, but quantifying flow systems remains problematic. Gas, ionic, and particle tracers along with isotopic methods are essential for assessing dynamics and anthropogenic pressures in natural waters, such as streams, lakes, and oceans, as well as in groundwater. Recently, these methods have also been applied to pore waters in sediments and unconventional porous media, such as trees. These same methods are now successfully being applied in fracking experiments and geological CO2 sequestration projects to geochemically track fluid evolution in the subsurface in real time.

      As tracer data reflect the intrinsic physical, hydrogeochemical, and (micro) biological dynamics of water and fluid systems (e.g. turnover times), they provide a robust conceptual framework for developing accurate (numerical) models that simulate the evolution of water and other geo-fluids and the potential for geothermal energy production.

      To bridge the gap from measurements to assessments, we invite contributions on novel technical developments in tracer analysis (e.g., 39Ar and 81Kr determination, continuous gas monitoring, membrane-based 3H analysis), as well as on classical tracer applications. We also explicitly welcome innovative model applications that incorporate environmental tracer data to enhance predictions of water and fluid dynamics in terrestrial environments.

    • 10g-O1: "Tracers, and models to assess the dynamics of water and fluid systems"
      Submissions Closed

    • 10g-O2: "Tracers, and models to assess the dynamics of water and fluid systems"
      Submissions Closed

    • 10g-P1: "Tracers, and models to assess the dynamics of water and fluid systems"
      Submissions Closed

    • 10h: "Arsenic speciation and its influence on mobility and toxicity – a Session In Memoriam of Britta Planer-Friedrich"
      Submissions Closed

      In the last 20 years, tremendous progress has been made in the analytical capabilities of measuring soluble arsenic species in waters. Specifically, we now know that reduced, methylated and thiolated arsenic species can be quantitatively and mechanistically important components of the biogeochemical processes that occur under suboxic and anoxic conditions. Prof. Britta Planer-Friedrich (1975-2025) was a leading environmental geochemist and made great advancements in analyzing methylated and thiolated arsenic species. Together with her team, Britta discovered such species in many types of environments, including geothermal waters, groundwater and wetlands. This knowledge has revised our mechanistic understanding of arsenic mobility, bioavailability and toxicity in many systems that pose potential or real health risks for human populations. In this special session we honor Britta's work. Furthermore, we wish to summarize the current understanding and identify the remaining gaps of knowledge in the field.
      Therefore, we invite contributions that discuss one or more of the following reactions: (1) the interactions between arsenic and reduced sulfur compounds, (2) the methylation of arsenic by biotic processes, and/or (3) the reduction of pentavalent arsenic species in suboxic or anoxic environments. We also invite papers that discuss the role of these reactions in determining (a) arsenic mobility in suboxic and anoxic environments, (b) the bioavailability of arsenic to organisms, and/or (c) the toxicity of arsenic in drinking water and food items.

    • 10h-O1: "Arsenic speciation and its influence on mobility and toxicity – a Session In Memoriam of Britta Planer-Friedrich"
      Submissions Closed

    • 10h-P1: "Arsenic speciation and its influence on mobility and toxicity – a Session In Memoriam of Britta Planer-Friedrich"
      Submissions Closed


    Submissions Closed
    The field of Environmental Geochemistry and Human Health explores natural and anthropogenic geochemical processes that affect environmental contamination, nutrient availability, and human health outcomes. Broadly, topics include how the movement and transformation of chemical elements in the environment affect the quality of air, water, and soil, and consequently, human health. By studying these interactions with human biological systems on various scales (from cells to communities), this theme aims to understand how geochemical factors influence public health, encompassing both fundamental and applied studies. Fundamental research may include understanding elemental cycles, concentration variations, isotopes, and element speciation across all environmental spheres. Applied research may focus on the impact of elemental cycles on human activities on elemental cycles. We welcome contributions from all related fields. Key research areas include, but are not limited to, developing chemical speciation methods, evaluating water-mineral interface effects, creating stable/radioisotope tracers, studying biological influences on geochemical cycles, and modelling these cycles. Applied research covers environmental issues, climate change, and their health impacts, such as contaminant behavior (e.g., heavy metals, pesticides, radionuclides) in water, soil, and air; toxic substance removal, useful element recovery; nutrient bioavailability, and health effects of exposure to metals, metalloids and organic pollutants. By integrating geochemical data with health studies, this theme aims to develop strategies for managing environmental risks, promoting better health through improved environmental quality, and contributing to effective interventions and policies.
    Submit to a Session:
    • 11a: "Anthropogenic and natural contaminants in the environment: geochemical fate, transport, modeling, and novel remediation approaches"
      Submissions Closed

      Contaminant releases with complex compositions into the environment can severely impact water and soil quality, posing an alarming environmental threat. The geochemical understanding of processes, environmental fate, and transport of these contaminants is essential for developing innovative and sustainable remediation strategies. Critical areas of study include contaminant mobility, toxicity, transport pathways, exposure risks, and environmental remediation. Traditional remediation techniques are often energy-intensive, costly, and inefficient, highlighting the need for sustainable alternatives. Emerging solutions such as natural attenuation, reactive mineral species, agro/bio-waste applications, and nanomaterials, including adsorbents, hold promise for addressing these challenges.

      This session aims to explore the fate and transport of contaminants under varying geochemical conditions and showcase innovative remediation strategies for contaminated water and soils. We encourage research on physical, chemical, and biological treatment methods, contaminant characterization, and theoritical modeling focused on pollutant removal, waste reuse, resource recovery, and circular economy approaches. Submissions may cover, but are not limited to: 1) contaminant characterization in soils, water, and wastewater (industrial, agricultural, energy-derived) and associated toxicity, 2) geochemical changes in water and sediments at contaminated sites, 3) novel analytical, modeling, and experimental tools, 4) remediation strategies including mineralization, novel (nano)materials, and natural attenuation, and 5) lab and field-scale experiments investigating biological and geochemical responses to contaminants. Targeted contaminants include heavy metals, radionuclides, PFAS, PPCPs, NAPLs, VOCs, pesticides, textile dyes and fibers, and micro- and nanoplastics.

    • 11a-O1: "Anthropogenic and natural contaminants in the environment: geochemical fate, transport, modeling, and novel remediation approaches"
      Submissions Closed

    • 11a-O2: "Anthropogenic and natural contaminants in the environment: geochemical fate, transport, modeling, and novel remediation approaches"
      Submissions Closed

    • 11a-O3: "Anthropogenic and natural contaminants in the environment: geochemical fate, transport, modeling, and novel remediation approaches"
      Submissions Closed

    • 11a-O4: "Anthropogenic and natural contaminants in the environment: geochemical fate, transport, modeling, and novel remediation approaches"
      Submissions Closed

    • 11a-O5: "Anthropogenic and natural contaminants in the environment: geochemical fate, transport, modeling, and novel remediation approaches"
      Submissions Closed

    • 11a-O6: "Anthropogenic and natural contaminants in the environment: geochemical fate, transport, modeling, and novel remediation approaches"
      Submissions Closed

    • 11a-P1: "Anthropogenic and natural contaminants in the environment: geochemical fate, transport, modeling, and novel remediation approaches"
      Submissions Closed

    • 11b: "Minerals as vehicles of trace elements and carbon in the environment"
      Submissions Closed

      All aspects related to minerals as vectors of trace element and organics in environmental compartments are welcome in this session. We are particularly interested in an integrative approach spanning the entire journey from the source to the destination of the trace elements and organics, for example, from bedrock weathering to the global ocean, and from soil remediation to soil carbon storage. The session will explore the role of minerals as vehicles for the trace elements, in the crystal structure of the minerals or in the defects, including surfaces. Some aspects, such as sorption on solid surfaces, have been extensively studied over the years, while others, like the characterization of the minerals themselves, have been much less explored. Comparably little is known about the way the minerals incorporate trace elements and organics, retain, transport, and release them. We welcome contributions that address these issues and identify viable pathways for the solutions of the outstanding questions. The aim is to share techniques and approaches, from the laboratory to the field, to better understand the role of minerals. The session aims to bring together different disciplines and perspectives, from mineralogy to geochemistry and environmental chemistry. The session is open to any trace element and organics in a given system, with preference to technologically critical elements and potentially toxic elements, as well as organics.

    • 11b-O1: "Minerals as vehicles of trace elements and carbon in the environment"
      Submissions Closed

    • 11b-P1: "Minerals as vehicles of trace elements and carbon in the environment"
      Submissions Closed

    • 11c: "Contaminants in the soil-plant system"
      Submissions Closed

      The session will highlight advanced research on the transport and transformation of compounds in soils followed nor their translocation into plants. The combination of geochemical and isotopic techniques has permitted a deeper understanding of the mechanisms controlling the elementary transfer in the ecosystems, with implications for agricultural productivity, food safety, and environmental risk mitigation. Interdisciplinary in nature, this session will address the interface between soil geochemistry, plant biology, and microbial activity, focusing on nutrient and contaminant cycling. The contaminant mobility and bioavailability are primary of interest to adapt different (phyto) remediation approaches up-to-date approaches, techniques and models for deciphering and predicting the fate of nutrients and contaminants in the soil-plant system will be encouraged. In particular, isotopic investigations in the soil-plant systems and models integrating geochemical data will be considered. The session will also emphasise sustainable practices for nutrient and contaminant management, with the ultimate aim of promoting suitable agricultural, biotechnological, and environmental engineering practices.

    • 11c-O1: "Contaminants in the soil-plant system"
      Submissions Closed

    • 11c-P1: "Contaminants in the soil-plant system"
      Submissions Closed

    • 11d: "Geochemical and microbial processes controlling the movement and effect of contaminants of emerging concern from environmental releases"
      Submissions Closed

      Geochemical and microbial processes alter the distribution of emerging contaminants and affect their fate at sites of environmental releases and during movement in the subsurface and impacted water resources. A detailed understanding of these processes through field and associated laboratory studies is key to defining contaminant sources and exposure pathways, designing remediation approaches, and understanding potential human and ecological health effects.

      In this session, we encourage studies that will help define the processes that control the distribution and fate of emerging contaminants from releases in the environment and during their movement through soil, sediment, and water resources. We encourage submissions related but not limited to 1) field studies that aim to identify the processes that control contaminant distribution, composition, and movement in soils, sediment, and impacted water resources, 2) mechanistic studies of the geochemical and microbial alterations of emerging contaminants and contaminant mixtures in environmental media, 3) studies that link contaminant geochemistry and distribution to understanding exposure pathways and human or ecological effects, 4) development of novel modelling and experimental tools applied to movement, fate, and effects of environmentally relevant contaminant concentrations, and 5) lab and field-scale experiments investigating geochemical and microbial processes controlling fate and effects of emerging contaminants. Environmental release areas of interest include spills, wastewater, and biosolids from municipal, industrial, agricultural, and energy-related sources. Targeted contaminants include PFAS, microplastics, 6PPD & 6PPD-quinone, pesticides, quaternary ammonium compounds, pharmaceuticals and personal care products, and complex contaminant mixtures.

    • 11d-O1: "Geochemical and microbial processes controlling the movement and effect of contaminants of emerging concern from environmental releases"
      Submissions Closed

    • 11d-P1: "Geochemical and microbial processes controlling the movement and effect of contaminants of emerging concern from environmental releases"
      Submissions Closed

    • 11e: "Geochemical Sources, Exposure Pathways, and Health implications of Toxic Substances"
      Submissions Closed

      In this session, we aim at exploring the relationships between the natural and disturbed geochemical composition of the Earth's surface and their consequences for human and ecosystem health. Geochemical factors dictate soil and sediment composition, thereby influencing water quality and plant, animal, and microbial life. Key processes—such as climate change, urbanization, and land-use changes—are intertwined with environmental issues like pollution from mineral resource extraction and novel anthropogenic materials. Epidemiological studies indicate potential causal links between altered geochemical environments and adverse health outcomes (affecting humans, animals, and environmental health). We welcome submissions that explore topics related to identifying sources of harmful substances, their bioavailability, exposure pathways, deposition and degradation, health impacts, and the implications for mitigation and policy. Contributions of interest include, but are not limited to, environmental toxicology associated with harmful elements, industrial toxic particulates, persistent organic pollutants, and emerging contaminants from human activities, such as electronic waste recycling and artisanal and small-scale gold mining. Additionally, we encourage contributions addressing the environmental impacts of PFAS, pharmaceuticals, or plastics, the effects and toxicity of metal mixtures, elemental speciation of toxic elements, and nanoparticle toxicology. Relevant studies may also explore environmental cycles, exposure pathways (e.g., soil-to-plant transfer), and population vulnerability, incorporating biomarker and biomonitoring approaches. Furthermore, we invite research on source apportionment through modelling or tracer studies to deepen our understanding of the impact of human activities, natural hazards, and climate change on geochemical systems and their consequent potential impacts on human well-being, especially vulnerable communities.

    • 11e-O1: "Geochemical Sources, Exposure Pathways, and Health implications of Toxic Substances"
      Submissions Closed

    • 11e-O2: "Geochemical Sources, Exposure Pathways, and Health implications of Toxic Substances"
      Submissions Closed

    • 11e-O3: "Geochemical Sources, Exposure Pathways, and Health implications of Toxic Substances"
      Submissions Closed

    • 11e-P1: "Geochemical Sources, Exposure Pathways, and Health implications of Toxic Substances"
      Submissions Closed

    • 11f: "Plastic pollution, biogeochemistry and risks for humans and the environment"
      Submissions Closed

      Plastic is an integral part of almost all the necessary goods of our modern lifestyle and one of our time's most demanded and produced materials. At the end of their use, used plastics form millions of tons of waste that are poorly managed. Currently, plastic has been found and accumulates everywhere on our planet in all environmental compartments including aquatic, atmospheric, and terrestrial systems and as a result, is dispersed across environmental compartments by atmospheric transport, and surface, subsurface and river runoff. Exposure to light, moisture, heat, biological activity, mechanical stress, and other factors causes plastics to fragment into smaller pieces, ranging in size from a few centimeters to the nanoscale. Small plastic particles such as microplastics (MPs) and nanoplastics (NPs) are bioavailable for a wide number of living organisms from zooplankton to mammals to plants, with potential negative consequences for the biosphere. Besides the negative impact related to the particles themselves, there is concern about plastics-associated chemicals including additives and pollutants adsorbed from the environment. The diversity of size, shape, and chemical composition makes it difficult to determine the behavior of this ubiquitous pollutant and its adverse effects on ecosystems and human health. In this session, we welcome studies that will help understand the occurrence, sources, fate, behavior and impact of plastics, MPs and NPs in the environment, including analytical developments, numerical modeling, field observations, experimental studies and discussions on policy frameworks relevant to the atmosphere, pedosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere.

    • 11g: "Geochemical Proxies as Biomarkers in Human Health"
      Submissions Closed

      Connections between human health and the environment have long been recognised and geochemical tools have been used to investigate these connections. The focus of this research has mostly been on contaminants and toxisity as well as nutrients and the quality of soil, air and water.
      In more recent years, the direct application of geochemical techniques as diagnostic tools (biomarkers) for the detection and monitoring of human health and disease has been a rapidly expanding field of research.
      Therefore, this session is intended bring together studies of the “natural” budget of elements and their isotopes in the human and mammal body as well as processes (e.g. disease, nutrition, injury) that lead to imbalances of that budget.

      Topics can include (but are of course not limited to):

      • Metallomics
      • Nutritional processing
      • Diagnosis/Detection of diseases and monitoring of disease progression
      • Intervention/Therapy monitoring and evaluation
      • Monitoring post-surgery health
      • Understanding causes of disease and its progression

    • 11f-O1: "Plastic pollution, biogeochemistry and risks for humans and the environment"
      Submissions Closed

    • 11f-O2: "Plastic pollution, biogeochemistry and risks for humans and the environment"
      Submissions Closed

    • 11f-P1: "Plastic pollution, biogeochemistry and risks for humans and the environment"
      Submissions Closed

    • 11g-O1: "Geochemical Proxies as Biomarkers in Human Health"
      Submissions Closed

    • 11g-P1: "Geochemical Proxies as Biomarkers in Human Health"
      Submissions Closed


    Submissions Closed
    The ocean and atmosphere have been key to the habitability of our planet since life originated. However, in the current Anthropocene, the key processes and equilibria that underpin the functioning of these dynamic systems are coming under ever increasing pressure, with potentially very severe consequences for our climate. This theme will focus on all geochemical and biogeochemical research activities that concern processes within the ocean and the atmosphere, as well as the interaction between these environmental spheres and the land surface.

    This theme invites sessions that can cover a wide range of topics, including (but not limited to): the cycling of major and trace elements, or other chemical species, in the oceans and atmosphere; the sources, sinks, and dynamics of greenhouse gasses and pollutants; development and application of proxies to study environmental change and Earth system evolution; and, sensitivity of global biogeochemical cycles to natural and anthropogenic perturbations, now and through time.

    We welcome sessions that utilize observational, experimental and modeling approaches, or combinations thereof. This can include field-based measurements (including autonomous observing platforms) or experiments, laboratory-based experiments, remote sensing, proxy development, numerical simulations and data assimilation techniques.

    Submit to a Session:
    • 12a: "Elemental Enigmas: Cracking the Code of Trace Metals in Polar Oceans"
      Submissions Closed

      The cycling of trace metals in polar oceans is crucial for understanding biogeochemical processes and ecosystem health in these sensitive environments. Trace metals such as Fe, Zn, Ni, Mn, and Co are essential micronutrients that regulate phytoplankton productivity across vast regions of the global ocean, notably the Southern Ocean and Arctic, significantly impacting carbon cycling between ocean and atmosphere. In contrast, toxic elements such as Hg which is of special concern in Arctic, are posing potential environmental risks. Polar regions act as critical zones for ocean-atmosphere interactions, with trace metal inputs from sea ice, icebergs, weathering, melting permafrost, hydrothermal activity, continental shelf sediments, and atmospheric deposition altering primary production. Trace metal isotopes and other means such as rare earth element composition have revolutionized our ability to trace the sources, pathways, and biogeochemical processes of trace metals in the ocean. These tools allow us to distinguish external input and disentangle biogeochemical processes such as biological uptake, particle‐solution exchange, and remineralization, and provide insights into past ocean conditions.

      However, the remoteness, extreme weather, and technical challenges in clean sampling and trace metal analysis hinder our understanding of their cycling in the rapidly changing polar oceans. Enhancing our knowledge of these understudied regions is critical, as polar seas and the cryosphere act as precursors for global changes in other ecosystems. To this end, this session invites research integrating isotopic, trace metal data, and biogeochemical models to explore sources, cycling, and biological responses, advancing predictions of polar ocean impacts on climate change.

    • 12a-O1: "Elemental Enigmas: Cracking the Code of Trace Metals in Polar Oceans"
      Submissions Closed

    • 12a-P1: "Elemental Enigmas: Cracking the Code of Trace Metals in Polar Oceans"
      Submissions Closed

    • 12b: "Tackling Climate and Air quality Challenges: Fate and impacts of Methane, Aerosols, and Other Short-Lived Climate Pollutants"
      Submissions Closed

      To effectively limit the global temperature increase to below 1.5 °C, it is critical to reduce not only carbon dioxide, but also short-lived climate pollutants (SLCFs). These SLCFs can exert cooling or warming effects through interactions with radiation and clouds. In most cases, SLCPs are also air pollutants. Key SLCFs include atmospheric aerosols (such as black carbon, brown carbon, sulphate, nitrate, ammonium, and aeolian dust) and chemically reactive gases (including methane, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, ozone, non-methane volatile organic compounds, sulphur dioxide, and ammonia). With recent breakthroughs in isotope geochemistry and atmospheric chemistry, our understanding of the fate of aerosols, methane, and other SLCFs has grown, revealing their intricate connections to both climate change and air quality.

      This session spotlights the most recent breakthroughs in stable and radioactive isotope geochemical techniques, coupled with state-of-the-art experimental, field, and modeling approaches from various disciplines. We emphasize their essential role in unmasking the sources of SLCFs, unraveling complex atmospheric processes, decoding biogeochemical cycles, and assessing their effects on climate and air quality. We cordially invite researchers to contribute their insights on the sources, processes, mechanisms, and impacts of SLCPs. Our session will cover an extensive array of topics, encompassing method development, field observations, laboratory experiments, model simulations, and crucial discussions related to methane, aerosols, and other SLCFs. Through this session, we aim to foster a comprehensive understanding of SLCFs, thereby enabling more effective strategies for climate change mitigation and air pollution control.

    • 12d: "Past, Present and Future Ocean Deoxygenation"
      Submissions Closed

      Oxygen is rapidly declining in the world’s oceans as climate change accelerates, and the extent of low-oxygen waters has increased as a consequence. In order to contextualize our present and make reasonable projections into the future, we must develop a better understanding of present forcing and past ocean oxygenation, the relationships between ocean oxygen and global climate, and the impacts of changing ocean oxygen on marine life, geochemical cycles and the blue economy. Geochemical tools and biogeochemical models have proven invaluable for enabling us to assess the present, to reach beyond modern observations and develop records of past ocean oxygenation and low-oxygen environments, and to project future deoxygenation trends and their impacts. This session invites submissions that advance an understanding of present, past and future ocean oxygenation with diverse approaches including measurements, modeling, proxy development and applications. We welcome submission across all temporal and spatial scales, and especially encourage studies that benefit from synergies between modern and paleo-oceanography, geochemistry, sedimentology, and modeling.

    • 12d-P1: "Past, Present and Future Ocean Deoxygenation"
      Submissions Closed

    • 12e: "Tracing marine trace element dynamics: impact of external sources and oceanic cycling"
      Submissions Closed

      Trace elements and isotopes (TEIs) in the ocean play pivotal roles in primary productivity, carbon cycling, and marine biodiversity, and serve as powerful tracers of oceanic processes. To reliably apply these geochemical proxies, it is essential to develop a thorough understanding of the oceanic distribution of TEIs and physical and chemical processes that influence these patterns. The processes that influence the oceanic TEI distribution include inputs from various sources (e.g., river-estuarine, atmospheric deposition, submarine groundwater discharge, hydrothermal inputs and marine benthic dynamics) and oceanic internal cycling (biological uptake and remineralization, reversible scavenging, particle-water interaction, redox conditions, and ocean circulation). Since the start of the GEOTRACES program, observational TEI datasets have been rapidly accumulating, providing valuable resources to the state-of-the-art ocean modeling tools to test hypotheses and predict distributions in regions that are still poorly constrained. This knowledge not only offers significant insights into the debate about the controls of modern ocean chemistry but also aids in resolving discrepancies arising from conflicting paleo-records of multiple geochemical proxies.

      This session invites contributions from observational, experimental, and modeling studies specifically focusing on (i) understanding the TEI distribution, species, and bio-availability in the ocean in connection to various sources and internal cycling, (ii) the impact of processes at oceanic boundaries (atmosphere, land, shelf, hydrothermal vents) on oceanic TEI distributions, (iii) new insights into the processes of open ocean cycling, (iv) application of AI/ML and other modeling techniques in assessing the marine TEI distribution. We encourage submissions based on multi-disciplinary and multi-proxy approaches.

    • 12f: "Assessing the importance of marine silicate alteration: all elements count!"
      Submissions Closed

      Post-depositional alteration of marine sedimentary aluminosilicates likely plays a significant role in the global biogeochemical cycling of elements with implications for Earth’s climate through time, yet much remains unknown about these processes. In recent years, processes and feedbacks that link carbon cycling and marine silicate alteration have received considerable attention. However, the impacts on other elemental cycles are less discussed, nor do we know enough about the relevant times scales for these processes. Authigenic clay formation and the dissolution of primary silicate minerals and volcanic ash have been shown to regulate the exchange of numerous elements though global assessments are still lacking. We encourage submissions regarding the diverse reactions affecting marine aluminosilicate clay minerals including: marine authigenic clay mineral formation, subseafloor weathering, marine reverse weathering, basalt alteration, volcanic ash alteration, colloid formation, oxic diagenesis, reductive dissolution, and silica diagenesis. In addition, the environmental conditions and early diagenetic processes that promote and inhibit alteration of marine silicate alteration should be further investigated. How do these post-depositional changes to aluminosilicates impact ocean element budgets via fluxes into or out of seawater? How can they alter the paleoceanographic record and what can they tell us about Earth’s ocean-climate dynamics through time? Evidence derived from porewater, solid phase sediment, the water column, laboratory experiments, or sedimentary rocks, including element concentrations, isotopes, mineralogy, modeling, or other approaches is welcome. The goal of this session is to investigate the role of weathering and authigenic aluminosilicates in modern processes, impacts on seawater budgets, paleoceanography, and past climates.

    • 12b-O1: "Tackling Climate and Air quality Challenges: Fate and impacts of Methane, Aerosols, and Other Short-Lived Climate Pollutants"
      Submissions Closed

    • 12b-P1: "Tackling Climate and Air quality Challenges: Fate and impacts of Methane, Aerosols, and Other Short-Lived Climate Pollutants"
      Submissions Closed

    • 12c: "The Evolution of Seawater Chemistry Through Time: Insights into Interactions Among Earth's Spheres"
      Submissions Closed

      The chemical composition of seawater—encompassing major and trace elements, isotopic compositions, alkalinity, redox conditions, pH, and salinity—has fluctuated significantly throughout Earth's history. These changes provide a unique and indispensable window into the complex interactions among Earth's spheres, including the evolution of biosphere habitability, shifts in atmospheric oxygen and carbon dioxide levels, the elemental and mineral composition of the lithosphere, and material cycling between Earth's internal and external layers. Understanding the long-term variations in seawater chemistry, the key drivers behind these changes, and their quantitative links to geological processes has greatly advanced our knowledge of Earth's surface system evolution and long-term habitability.

      This session invites contributions focused on the evolution of seawater chemistry across various timescales, its implications for ocean habitability, and its interactions with Earth's diverse spheres. We encourage presentations that explore seawater chemistry evolution in the geological record and the mechanisms driving it, through the development and reevaluation of marine proxies and archives, experimental simulations, data integration, numerical modeling, and big data approaches, aiming to foster a comprehensive understanding of seawater chemistry evolution and key geological processes across Earth's spheres.

    • 12c-O1: "The Evolution of Seawater Chemistry Through Time: Insights into Interactions Among Earth's Spheres"
      Submissions Closed

    • 12c-O2: "The Evolution of Seawater Chemistry Through Time: Insights into Interactions Among Earth's Spheres"
      Submissions Closed

    • 12c-P1: "The Evolution of Seawater Chemistry Through Time: Insights into Interactions Among Earth's Spheres"
      Submissions Closed

    • 12e-O1: "Tracing marine trace element dynamics: impact of external sources and oceanic cycling "
      Submissions Closed

    • 12e-O2: "Tracing marine trace element dynamics: impact of external sources and oceanic cycling "
      Submissions Closed

    • 12e-O3: "Tracing marine trace element dynamics: impact of external sources and oceanic cycling "
      Submissions Closed

    • 12e-O4: "Tracing marine trace element dynamics: impact of external sources and oceanic cycling "
      Submissions Closed

    • 12e-P1: "Tracing marine trace element dynamics: impact of external sources and oceanic cycling "
      Submissions Closed

    • 12f-O1: "Assessing the importance of marine silicate alteration: all elements count!"
      Submissions Closed

    • 12f-P1: "Assessing the importance of marine silicate alteration: all elements count!"
      Submissions Closed

    • 12g: "Fluid–rock–life interactions in the oceanic lithosphere and their impacts on the modern and ancient Earth."
      Submissions Closed

      Seafloor hydrothermal systems have profoundly influenced Earth’s biosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere throughout Earth history via the transfer of materials and energy across these reservoirs. Key uncertainties on the dynamics of these interactions include (1) the duration, rates and magnitudes of exchange that occur during hydrothermal circulation in the oceanic lithosphere, (2) the penetration depths of fluids and deep microbial life beneath the seafloor, (3) the influence of crustal architecture, spreading rate, and basement ventilation on seafloor-crustal interactions, and (4) the evolution of hydrothermal systems over Earth’s history. This session provides a forum for those working on these topics – encompassing low to high temperatures, abiotic to biotic processes, modern to ancient systems – via scientific drilling, seafloor sampling, and ophiolite studies to compare results and build collaborative links.

    • 12g-O1: "Fluid–rock–life interactions in the oceanic lithosphere and their impacts on the modern and ancient Earth"
      Submissions Closed

    • 12g-O2: "Fluid–rock–life interactions in the oceanic lithosphere and their impacts on the modern and ancient Earth"
      Submissions Closed

    • 12g-P1: "Fluid–rock–life interactions in the oceanic lithosphere and their impacts on the modern and ancient Earth"
      Submissions Closed


    Submissions Closed
    Climate variations occur on many spatial and temporal scales, with a variety of impacts on surface environments and biotas. This theme aims to provide insights into the operation, magnitude, and rates of past climatic and environmental change, with a view to better understanding the past and to inform projections for the future. We welcome contributions using both geological and modern records that capture variations in atmospheric, oceanic, and cryospheric processes, alongside those which address important climate feedbacks and mechanisms, especially the role of the carbon cycle. Sessions may choose to focus on transient events in the geological past, discrete periods of time and/or sets of mechanisms and processes. We anticipate offering sessions that focus on the application of marine, terrestrial, and ice core proxies; geochemical dating tools; Earth system and geochemical modeling, and model-data comparisons; as well as the development of new proxies and models to constrain the climate of the past, present, and future.
    Submit to a Session:
    • 13b: "Natural hazards and human response in the coastal areas"
      Submissions Closed

      Natural hazards are on a slight increase overall, especially those linked to climatic change; however natural disasters clearly show an exponential rise. As a result of growing populations, people are progressively more forced to settle in marginal areas likely to be affected by natural hazards, especially in coastal areas of seas and lakes. In addition to the high population density in these vulnerable coastal regions, key economical activities also take place, such as fisheries, tourism and energy production. Coastal hazard mitigation studies base their information on historical and instrumental data, which, in most cases, are temporally limited. Additionally, these records do not encapsulate a wide range of natural hazard extremes; hence their usefulness is limited. Analyzing the sedimentary record using a wide array of multi-proxy approaches has the potential to reveal how vulnerable and dangerous our coastal environments have been in the past and how previous civilizations have suffered, and perhaps adapted. Can we learn any lessons from the past? This session calls for contributions that provide data from high-resolution multi-disciplinary studies from Quaternary marine, lagoon, lacustrine and coastal sediments, with robust chronological control. It remains crucial that our scientific results are made available to end-users, allowing for mitigation and/or adaptation.

      Key words; Climate change, Human, Economic

    • 13b-P1: "Natural hazards and human response in the coastal areas"
      Submissions Closed

    • 13c: "Past atmospheric CO2: reconstructions and implications"
      Submissions Closed

      Atmospheric CO2 is a key driver of both temperature an essential feedback of the global carbon cycle, and the lead issue of the modern climate crisis. As such, for our immediate future, revealing past atmospheric CO2 concentrations in geological time is vital for understanding how Earth’s climate has evolved through its history, and to determine the Earth’s myriad carbon cycle-climate interactions. Up to almost 1 million years ago, ice cores provide an accurate and precise estimation of past CO2 concentrations, but beyond this point, determination of atmospheric CO2 is dependent on a wide array of indirect proxies, which record trends in past CO2 concentration as part of fossil biological and (geo)chemical material. Recovering accurate and precise estimates of past CO2 from preserved geological materials is a challenging but fundamental goal of Earth system science.

      In this session we invite studies reconstructing CO2 concentrations from geological archives or potential geological archives using both well-established and novel methods such as foraminiferal δ11B, the δ13C of alkenones and other phytoplankton-derived biomarkers, and other proxies such as reconstructions of land plant gas exchange. We particularly welcome studies which compare different proxy groups or modelling to increase understanding into potential differences between or additional information from multi-proxy records. We also welcome submissions using CO2 reconstructions in their wider context to shed light on the Earth system through geologic time.

    • 13c-O1: "Past atmospheric CO2: reconstructions and implications"
      Submissions Closed

    • 13c-P1: "Past atmospheric CO2: reconstructions and implications"
      Submissions Closed

    • 13d: "You’re hot then you’re cold: Terrestrial records of Cenozoic paleoclimate"
      Submissions Closed

      Assessing climate change and the environmental responses to these often dramatic changes has key implications for our understanding of Earth’s history and how Earth will respond to modern climate change. Generating new records of these relationships in the Cenozoic is particularly important since ecosystems in this era closely resemble that of the modern world. Furthermore, terrestrial records are of particular importance due to their direct impact on human populations. This session will focus on highlighting novel records of paleoclimate and paleoenvironmental change during the Cenozoic. Contributions spanning the Cenozoic or from specific intervals such as the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum, Eocene-Oligocene Transition or Quaternary glacial cycles are encouraged. Likewise, we seek to highlight a wide range of geochemical archives including speleothems, paleosols, lake sediments, and microbialites. Work relating to the development of novel or improved analytical approaches for generating paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental proxy records are also encouraged.

    • 13e: "Arctic and Antarctic Bio-geochemical Cycling: Elemental Fluxes, Climate Feedbacks, and Geological Evolution in a Warming World"
      Submissions Closed

      The polar regions provide a unique natural laboratory for studying Earth’s past, present, and future, with bio-geochemical processes playing a critical role in shaping these extreme environments. In both the Arctic and Antarctic, geochemical signatures preserved in rocks, sediments, ice cores, and ocean waters, offer key insights into tectonic evolution, paleoclimate variability, and cryosphere-lithosphere-hydrosphere-atmosphere interactions.
      Understanding these processes is crucial, as polar environments are undergoing rapid and often irreversible transformations due to climate change.
      This session invites contributions that explore the geochemical and biogeochemical mechanisms driving elemental fluxes and nutrients between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems in polar and sub-polar regions. Key topics include greenhouse gas (GHG) cycling, permafrost thaw dynamics, glacial melt contributions, and nutrient transport to marine environments. Particular emphasis is placed on Arctic amplification, carbon and methane release, and the chemical weathering of exposed landscapes, all of which influence global climate feedback.
      We welcome field-based, experimental, and modeling studies addressing:
      (i) geochemical processes controlling polar landscape evolution and climate interactions;
      (ii) biogeochemical cycling of carbon, nutrients, and trace elements from terrestrial to marine systems;
      (iii) future projections of polar geochemical fluxes in response to ongoing climate change.
      By integrating geochemical and biogeochemical perspectives, this session aims to enhance our understanding of the role of polar regions in Earth’s evolving climate system and their significance in global elemental cycles.

    • 13d-O1: "You’re hot then you’re cold: Terrestrial records of Cenozoic paleoclimate"
      Submissions Closed

    • 13d-P1: "You’re hot then you’re cold: Terrestrial records of Cenozoic paleoclimate"
      Submissions Closed

    • 13e-O1: "Arctic and Antarctic Bio-geochemical Cycling: Elemental Fluxes, Climate Feedbacks, and Geological Evolution in a Warming World"
      Submissions Closed

    • 13e-O2: "Arctic and Antarctic Bio-geochemical Cycling: Elemental Fluxes, Climate Feedbacks, and Geological Evolution in a Warming World"
      Submissions Closed

    • 13e-P1: "Arctic and Antarctic Bio-geochemical Cycling: Elemental Fluxes, Climate Feedbacks, and Geological Evolution in a Warming World"
      Submissions Closed

    • 13f: "Geochemical proxy development for paleoceanographic and paleoclimatic research"
      Submissions Closed

      Analysis of modern and deep-time climatic and environmental variation is paramount to progress in understanding fundamental questions of Earth System feedbacks and sensitivity to perturbations (e.g., tipping points and thresholds) including, but not limited to, extinctions, large igneous provinces, ice ages, hyperthermalism, as well as oceanic acidification and anoxia. However, reconstruction of deep-time climatic and environmental change from sedimentary records remains challenging. New tools are needed to investigate poorly known aspects of paleoenvironmental systems as well as to test interpretations made using established paleoenvironmental proxies.

      The scope of this theme session includes novel proxy development as well as new constraints on existing geochemical proxy records. Topics include, but are not limited to, proxy development and calibration in modern and ancient systems (e.g., GEOTRACES), experimental constraints, data-model calibrations, and novel proxy applications in the modern sediments as well as ancient sedimentary record. We especially encourage submissions with new and innovative insights regarding mechanisms, feedbacks, or quantitative thresholds driving ancient geochemical perturbations and their relationship with environmental, climatic, and biological evolution.

    • 13f-O1: "Geochemical proxy development for paleoceanographic and paleoclimatic research"
      Submissions Closed

    • 13f-O2: "Geochemical proxy development for paleoceanographic and paleoclimatic research"
      Submissions Closed

    • 13f-O3: "Geochemical proxy development for paleoceanographic and paleoclimatic research"
      Submissions Closed

    • 13f-P1: "Geochemical proxy development for paleoceanographic and paleoclimatic research"
      Submissions Closed


    Submissions Closed
    The geosciences offer unique solutions to global and local challenges, including many of the Sustainable Development Goals. However, translating this promise into practice necessitates an open, diverse, equitable and inclusive scientific model. This cross-cutting theme links sessions and abstracts, in this theme or in any of the other themes, that explore various aspects of using geochemistry to inform the public and policy. Efforts to diversify the field of geochemistry and create an inclusive community are also welcome. Examples of topics linked to this theme include: the role of geochemistry in providing solutions for society in large or smaller communities; effective engagements with policy-makers; educational strategies to promote geochemical understanding in schools, during outreach and beyond; advancing equitable and inclusive participation in science; developing open data and software infrastructure; and developing a new scientific culture that supports accessible and diverse science for the future. We hope that by sharing our experiences and materials across all the themes in geochemistry, we will better integrate and highlight these very important efforts across the entire community through this cross-cutting theme.

    In order to support broad participation, all abstracts submitted to this theme are free of charge, and can be in addition to another abstract from the same presenting author in another theme.

    Submit to a Session:
    • 14a: "Connecting diverse research fields through geochemistry (session in honour of Balz Kamber)"
      Submissions Closed

      The discipline of geochemistry is continually evolving with the advancement of analytical instrumentation and computational methods, opening new research horizons and allowing researchers to apply analytical toolkits beyond their original intention. In this capacity, geochemistry can act as a hub that opens connections between research silos, or fields, and expand inter- and intra-disciplinary science. The Goldschmidt conference provides an example of the breadth of geochemists’ involvement in diverse research fields. It highlights the potential of geochemistry for contribution to global sustainability and underpins the value of geochemistry for solving real-world problems.

      A legacy of Balz Kamber's career has been his ability to connect geochemical silos to answer global geoscience questions with diverse approaches and teams. From Archean crustal evolution to modern chemical weathering, from mantle xenoliths to microbialites and magmatism, Balz has developed novel geochemical approaches and perspectives to tackle Earth processes. In doing so, he has also connected people and ideas across continents with different backgrounds and perspectives. This session in honor of Balz Kamber seeks to celebrate and promote examples of geochemical research that have advanced through the connection of geochemical methods and disciplines. We encourage submissions from researchers at all career stages and from all backgrounds, highlighting any application that can be viewed through the lens of its past and present development due to the unconventional bridging of people, ideas, and geochemical tools.

    • 14a-O1: "Connecting diverse research fields through geochemistry (session in honour of Balz Kamber)"
      Submissions Closed

    • 14a-O2: "Connecting diverse research fields through geochemistry (session in honour of Balz Kamber)"
      Submissions Closed

    • 14a-P1: "Connecting diverse research fields through geochemistry (session in honour of Balz Kamber)"
      Submissions Closed

    • 14b: "Software for Modernizing and Empowering Geochemical Research - GIS and Other Tools"
      Submissions Closed

      This session invites submissions from researchers who use software tools to strengthen their geochemical research. In today's era of rapidly expanding empirical data and advanced analytics, software tools have become an essential component of every geochemist's skill-set. The development and implementation of novel software tools has significantly accelerated data production and analysis, and it has introduced new ways to analyze and visualize datasets, allowing for improved understanding of the data, and greater impact. Further, these tools have allowed researchers to better embrace the principles of FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) data management.

      As a result, many researchers create and/or implement software tools such as geographic information systems (GIS), scripts, spreadsheets, and programs that optimize workflows, compile data, speed up tasks, and unlock better analyses. This session encourages submissions from anyone who uses software tools to strengthen their geochemical research, and topics for this session may include:
      • GIS and its role in geochemical analysis and data visualization
      • Scientific tools, apps, or software in any coding language and stage of development
      • Novel data reduction or processing algorithms
      • Laboratory automation and digitization projects
      • Contributions to FAIR data management
      This session aims to provide an inclusive platform for researchers who utilize these tools or those interested in incorporating new software tools into their work. It offers an opportunity to explore the strengths, capabilities, and limitations of software integration in solving geochemical problems and effectively disseminating research.

    • 14b-O1: "Software for Modernizing and Empowering Geochemical Research - GIS and Other Tools"
      Submissions Closed

    • 14b-O2: "Software for Modernizing and Empowering Geochemical Research - GIS and Other Tools"
      Submissions Closed

    • 14b-O3: "Software for Modernizing and Empowering Geochemical Research - GIS and Other Tools"
      Submissions Closed

    • 14b-P1: "Software for Modernizing and Empowering Geochemical Research - GIS and Other Tools"
      Submissions Closed

    • 14c: "Geochemistry in Africa: from geology to sustainable mining and agriculture"
      Submissions Closed

      Africa is a continent characterized by its complex geology, abundant mineral deposits, and rich ecosystems. This session aims to unite researchers engaged in geochemical studies across Africa and to provide insights into (i) understanding the geological history and origins of ore deposits, (ii) assessing the current and future development of the mineral resources sector, (iii) addressing the challenges posed by climate change, and (iv) protecting natural resources for sustainable use, including access to safe drinking water and maintaining fertile, healthy soils.

      We invite submissions from various disciplines related to rock geochemistry, economic geology with a focus on ore deposits, environmental geochemistry, and the impacts of mining and ore processing. We are also interested in studies that examine other anhtropogenic drivers affecting geoecosystems (including soils, biota, groundwater, and surface water) and human health. Additionally, we welcome research that links geochemistry with public policy and sector initiatives, such as raising awareness of contaminated areas, addressing the legacies of the mining industry, establishing contaminant thresholds, and developing strategies for environmentally responsible mining practices.

    • 14c-O1: "Geochemistry in Africa: from geology to sustainable mining and agriculture"
      Submissions Closed

    • 14c-P1: "Geochemistry in Africa: from geology to sustainable mining and agriculture"
      Submissions Closed

    • 14d: "Tales of fails: Geochemical approaches and experiments that didn’t make the cut"
      Submissions Closed

      In the spirit of transparency and the advancement of science, this session invites scientists from the interdisciplinary fields of geosciences to share their failed hypotheses, research approaches, scientific blunders and experiments that initially looked promising but didn’t exactly go according to plan. While negative results, failed research approaches and experiments often remain hidden in publications, this session is exactly the opposite and celebrates failure by offering a platform to discuss those moments that never made it to publication. By shining a light on what didn’t work and why, this session contributes to the collective knowledge of geochemistry and related fields. We believe that failed stories hold significant value, not just in preventing repetition of the same errors, but also in sparking new ideas by improving formerly failed approaches.

      In addition to being informative, this session promises to be fun. Presenters are encouraged to share their stories creatively, with humor and a bit of self-reflection. By sharing what didn’t work, we collectively grow stronger as scientists. We invite all contributions from the diverse and interdisciplinary field of geosciences to submit their stories of failure — this is your chance to let those projects come forward. Submissions should include a brief description of the experiment, scientific approach, or sample set, what went wrong, and what lessons were learned.

      Let’s turn our geochemical disasters into learning experiences for the whole community and have a few laughs along the way. Join us in celebrating the failed experiments that make us better scientists!

    • 14e: "Elements at 20 Years: Past Successes and Future Directions"
      Submissions Closed

      Elements’ first issue was published in January 2005 as a joint product of five earth science societies. That inaugural issue’s editorial stated, “The grand vision of Elements is to integrate mineralogy, petrology, and geochemistry, and to showcase them to ourselves and to a much broader community.” Twenty years and more than 120 thematic issues later, how well has Elements done? The magazine is now supported by 18 member-based earth science societies, community-sourced proposals for thematic issues consistently exceed its publication capacity, and it has become a valuable educational resource as well as the go-to place for scientists looking to enter a new field of specialization. The Geochemical Society was an Elements founding member, and the European Association of Geochemistry joined as the first issue went to press, so the Goldschmidt meeting is an appropriate setting to bring together Guest Editors and authors of past issues to highlight successes and to assess and explain how publication in Elements has influenced their fields. Such presentations will combine Elements’ signature interdisciplinary appeal with guidance that future Elements Guest Editors and authors can use to further broaden and strengthen the fields of mineralogy, petrology, and geochemistry. Along with formal presentations, a panel-discussion / townhall segment will provide one of the largest gatherings of geochemists, petrologists, and mineralogists the opportunity to hear, discuss, and suggest how Elements can continue to advance our disciplines.

    • 14e-O1: "Elements at 20 Years: Past Successes and Future Directions"
      Submissions Closed

    • 14g: "Geochemistry beyond stereotypes: solving tough scientific issues and advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion"
      Submissions Closed

      Are geochemists friendly with other experts in scientific fields? Can geochemistry advance diversity, equality and inclusion in the scientific community? 

      The field of geochemistry has evolved to be the major underpinning research area for Earth, Environment and Planetary Sciences. The field utilises the foundational knowledge of chemistry and applies diverse chemical signatures to understand Earth and Planetary processes. The field inherently enables researchers to tackle major challenges and has its roots going to diverse scientific research areas. While the field is multidisciplinary and multifaceted by default, there are ongoing challenges in retaining diverse talent and fostering an equitable and inclusive community. 

      This session welcomes contributions from geochemists who have (i) applied geochemical tools to help researchers with a non-geochemical background answer unresolved questions and (ii) experienced underrepresentation and marginalisation in the scientific community. Geochemical studies involving apparently incompatible disciplines including fundamental sciences, natural sciences, applied sciences and social sciences are welcome. We invite presentations of experiences of promoting strategies to overcome barriers and increase diversity in geochemistry, for example, through mentoring, teaching, networks, and institutional or national initiatives. Laboratory experiments, empirical and theoretical studies combining different scientific areas where the application of geochemistry has made a difference and contributions outlining lived experiences of barriers (e.g. related to awards, recruitment and promotion, and fieldwork) are presented in this session.

    • 14g-O1: "Geochemistry beyond stereotypes: solving tough scientific issues and advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion"
      Submissions Closed

    • 14g-O2: "Geochemistry beyond stereotypes: solving tough scientific issues and advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion"
      Submissions Closed

    • 14g-P1: "Geochemistry beyond stereotypes: solving tough scientific issues and advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion"
      Submissions Closed

    • 14i: "Academic Industry Collaboration 2.0 -- The energy transition realm"
      Submissions Closed

      There is a growing demand for critical metals to have a safer and sustainable future for a clean energy transition. For that to happen geoscientists need to have a better plan for exploration of these metals. However, there is a huge gap in our collaboration ideas to have successes happen fast enough to reach the net zero goals by 2050.

      After our success at the 2024 Goldschmidt, we are eager to continue the theme in the European avenue and continue bridging the gap between academia and industry. There needs to be more synergy between industry and academic institutions to address these global challenges.

      To decipher the complex processes controlling geochemistry, a transversal approach is necessary that connects industry and academia. The objective of this session is to foster more industry-academia partnerships to tackle these complex problems by bringing together  researchers investigating geochemistry from both domains. We invite contributions addressing issues related to the energy transition, climate change, environmental pollution, biodiversity loss, etc, with the geochemical toolbox. We also welcome studies that have applied a comprehensive approach not relying solely on one analytical method.

      We invite presenters who will showcase stories with top notch scientific results, where they have faced challenges to proceed and have got better results by collaborating with Industry and vice versa. It is not one-way traffic and to have success we must think it from a two way collaboration mindset. We invite presenters from worldwide to inspire and energize the next generation as well.

    • 14i-O1: "Academic Industry Collaboration 2.0 -- The energy transition realm"
      Submissions Closed

    • 14i-P1: "Academic Industry Collaboration 2.0 -- The energy transition realm"
      Submissions Closed

    • 14j: "Isotope geochemistry of the Earth’s system (session in honor of Claude Jean Allègre)"
      Submissions Closed

      Claude Allègre (1937–2025) was a towering figure of isotope geochemistry who shaped the field, both in Europe and beyond. His work had major impacts in advancing scientific understanding of Earth’s chemical processes, and he played a central role in building a global geochemical community. He provided critical insights into the Earth, from surface to deep interior, offering a new perspective on chemical dynamics and planets evolution. For his imaginative and influential work, he was awarded the Crafoord Prize in Geosciences (1986), an honor he shared with Gerry Wasserburg.

      This session is dedicated to Claude Allègre’s memory and his impact on isotope geochemistry. Isotope geochemistry has illuminated key processes such as the formation and differentiation of planets, the development of Earth’s crust, the origin of the atmosphere, and the global cycles that sustain life; Allègre’s contributions touched all these topics. These tools have enabled scientists to investigate complex systems, from planetary accretion to biogeochemical cycles, that govern Earth’s habitability.

      The oral session will feature a series of invited presentations reflecting Allègre's legacy and the richness of isotopic methods that have expanded our understanding of the Earth’s system. Guest speakers will also explore how Allègre’s vision of science and collaboration has shaped international efforts in geochemistry, fostering connections that continue to drive progress in the field.

      The open poster session welcomes contributions that address new questions and challenges, reflecting how the founders of isotope geochemistry developed the field. Studies that incorporate experimental approaches, theoretical models, or interdisciplinary insights are especially welcome.

    • 14d-P1: "Tales of fails: Geochemical approaches and experiments that didn’t make the cut"
      Submissions Closed

    • 14j-O1: "Isotope geochemistry of the Earth’s system (session in honor of Claude Jean Allègre)"
      Submissions Closed

    • 14j-P1: "Isotope geochemistry of the Earth’s system (session in honor of Claude Jean Allègre)"
      Submissions Closed

    • 14z: "Other Theme 14 abstracts"
      Submissions Closed

      As a cross-cutting theme, some abstracts related to Theme 14 will be integrated into the other themes of the conference. These presentations will show how the science represented in Themes 1-13 also has a role in informing the public and affecting policy decisions. In order to identify your abstract as relevant to Theme 14, please submit it to this session, 14z, and on the submission form, indicate the other session in Themes 1-13 in which it should ultimately be scheduled. Once your abstract is approved, it will be moved into the related theme and scheduled as part of the session you named. It will retain a link to Theme 14 so that delegates can find it in both its scheduled session and in Theme 14.

      Abstract submissions to Theme 14 are free of charge and do not preclude the submission of abstracts to other themes as a presenting author. But please note that to be accepted in Theme 14, abstracts must have a significant component related to informing the public or affecting policy decisions, and not merely a tangential connection.